Our Mission: Spread ideas- Speak Ideas – Follow Ideas. Our Vision: To create a Global Platform for young generations. Our Objectives: To create future leaders for 21st Century.
Speech of FOUNDER - GLOBAL UNITALKS -Prof Wallace
IT’S A WONDERFUL EVENING TODAY TO CELEBRATE THE 16TH ANNIVERSARY OF GLOBAL UNITALKS WHICH WAS FOUNDED IN 2005. DEAR HONORABLE CHIEF GUEST AND GUEST OF HONOR, WORLD SIDE INTERNATIONAL JURIES, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND MY LOVELY STUDENTS. LET’S MARK THIS DAY AS AN HISTORICAL MOMENT IN THE GLOBAL UNITALKS HISTORY BY CELEBRATING FROM THIS YEAR THE WORLD SPEECH DAY AND LAUNCHING THE WORLD LARGEST ONLINE SPEECH COMPETITION. I AM SO PROUD TO ANNOUNCE ON THIS OCCASION OF 16TH ANNIVERSARY, THAT GLOBAL UNITALKS WHICH STARTED FROM A HUMBLE BEGINNING AND THAN MOVED IN THE YEAR 2020 MID TO ONLINE PLATFORM WITH HANDFUL OF STUDENTS TODAY IT’S RECOGNIZED AS THE WORLD LARGEST ONLINE STUDENT PLATFORM. ITS AN INCREDIBLE SUCCESS OF THE STUDENTS. IT WAS ONLY POSSIBLE BECAUSE GLOBAL UNITALKS IS FOR THE STUDENTS, BY THE STUDENTS AND OF THE STUDENTS. I ALWAYS BELIEVED THAT STUDENTS COULD DO WONDERS AND CAN DO EVERY IMPOSSIBLE THING POSSIBLE, IF THEY DECIDE TO DO. GLOBAL UNITALKS IS NOW IN OVER 100+ countries and will reach its target of 175+ countries presence by this year end. Currently, Global UNITALKS TEAMS are inside various Schools, Colleges, Universities including Youth Clubs in over 100+ countries and have teams in over 972 educational institutions in Six continents. We also have Regional Teams, Country Teams, who expand the Global UNITALKS Outreach in their respective jurisdictions. We have over 2045 Unitalks team members and over 32867 audiences and subscribers as on today. We have very strong presence on social media handles and its expanding day by day. WE ARE GLAD TO INFORM YOU THAT WE HAVE ALREADY SURPASSED 150+ enrolled speakers who will be participating and speaking on this occasion starting from today until 28th March 2021, through live speaking including the various social media channels like YOUTUBE and Facebook and others. This event will be broadcasted on several platforms in over 100+ countries. This event will be incredibly unique as the speakers will be judged by several Panel of Judges from different parts of the world and the final winners will be selected based on the comments and votes received globally on social media platforms including their video will be uploaded on youtube for comments and likes. I thank all of you for your hard work and passion, let me inform you that all these speakers are from age group of 14 – 22 FROM high School to the college levels. Majority of them are the First-time speakers AND BELONGS TO VARIOUS REMOTE SILK ROAD COUNTRIES WHERE THERE ARE STILL IT INFRASTRUCTURAL CHALLENGES, GEOGRAPHICAL CHALLENGES AND FINANCIAL CHALLENGES EXISTS. GLOBAL UNITALKS MAIN FOCUS HAS BEEN TO GIVE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO ALL AND LET EVERYONE WHO HAS TALENT TO SHINE IN THIS WORLD AND LETTING THEM TO SPARK THEIR IDEAS, SPEAK THEIR IDEAS AND FOLLOW IDEAS. WE ALWAYS TAKE THOUGHT PROVOKING EDUCATIONAL TOPICS IN OUR EDUCATIONAL COMPETITION TO MOTIVATE AND REJUVENATE THE YOUTHS FROM ALL SILK ROAD COUNTRIES AND SUPPORT THE ONE BELT – ONE ROAD INITIATIVES. GLOBAL UNITALKS speakers come from over 100+ countries and from over six continents truly representing the mother earth. These young souls will be the one who will change this world in future and make it a better place to let humanity survive. They will be the future leaders leading this world in a right direction through their wisdom and knowledge which they will acquire in the years to come. I AM VERY PROUD OF THEM. Dear Students, please note that the SPEECH allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change. Without communication skills, the ability to progress in the working world and in life, itself, would be nearly impossible. Public speaking is one of the most important and most dreaded forms of communication. Speech development is an important part of learning. When a person learns to speak correctly at an early age, they are more likely to more easily comprehend reading, writing and less related topics like math and science. GLOBAL UNITALKS is the platform which facilitates you all to create soft skills in you which is not taught in any university syllabu