

White Hats Arrest ANTIFA Militants in DC
Michael Baxter
January 5, 2025
White Hats Arrest ANTIFA Militants in DC | Real Raw News

White Hats in D.C. have arrested 25 ANTIFA activists who had come to the national’s crooked Capitol to disrupt tomorrow’s electoral vote certification but wound up at a JAG internment facility instead, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
In preparation for the electoral certification and Trump’s January 20 inauguration, White Hats have deployed a massive task force comprised of Marines, Army Rangers, and JAG and Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) agents in hopes of stopping liberal malcontents from interfering with Trump’s installation as president.
Our source said agencies including U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command began hearing “chatter” last month suggesting that ANTIFA and Black Lives Matters (BLM) agitators posing as “Republicans opposing Trump and Musk” planned to launch tear gas canisters on the steps to the Capitol on January 6. He noted that although ANTIFA hasn’t made news in years, the decentralized group of political fanatics has operated in secrecy and recruited tens of thousands of new members since 2021.
Moreover, ANTIFA has adopted a more violent stance and has become unpredictable.
“We know for fact that on January 6, 2021, it was ANTIFA and feds dressed like Trump supporters that instigated the so-called insurrection. They were the first ones breaking and climbing through windows and scaling walls. Now ANTIFA, and they call themselves pacifists, what a joke, are buying up guns like crazy, and this started right after Trump destroyed Harris in the election. We also know that certain ANTIFIA sects have been playing war games in the woods, like playing Rambo and shit. Guns in their hands is a damn frightening thought to comprehend. So, when we heard they were bussing people into D.C. from across the country, we acted,” our source said.
He added that the White Hat task force identified a dozen ANTIFA insurgents quite quickly.
“The same ANTIFA that smashed windows in 2021 are back in D.C. again. Funny that none of them ever got charged or saw the inside of a courtroom. Thanks to facial recognition tech, we identified 12 staying at the same hotel,” our source said.
Plainclothes CID agents, he said, swooped in on the dozen Thursday evening after the ANTIFA zealots had finished dining and conspiring at the La Grande Boucherie restaurant. The agents searched vehicles ANTIFA had rented, and they found several 40mm tactical 4-shot tear gas launchers and hundreds of tear gas canisters. They also found 134 publicly available CTS flash-bang and sting-ball grenades, as well as smoke and pyrotechnic grenades. In one trunk they uncovered three pricey SPAS-12 shotguns and 600 12-guage shells.
When confronted by CID, the suspects denied ties to ANTIFA, insisting they were “loyal Republicans” who revered people such as Mitt Romney and John McCain but despised fake Republicans like Musk and Trump for usurping, coopting, and appropriating the Republican party for nefarious reasons. They said there was no law against being anti-MAGA and that the FBI and Capitol Police had approved their “permit to protest peaceably.”
CID, our source said, discovered quickly that two of the twelve ANTIFA were FBI informants with sordid histories of taking part in acts of civil disobedience; both, on May 29, 2020, had incited violence at a George Floyd protest in Bellingham, Washington.
The CID agents seized the activists’ arsenal and escorted them to a makeshift holding facility the military had erected close to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. There, under interrogation (waterboarding), three admitted they were part of an ANTIFA militia dedicated to destroying “President Musk and Vice President Trump” and gave up the names of 13 other ANTIFA/BLM members also in D.C. to create havoc.
CID passed that info to Gen. Smith’s Marines, who then located and apprehended a baker’s dozen revolutionaries across the District of Columbia. One ANTIFA militant reportedly told the Marines, “We are legion. You can’t get us all.”
Our source said the Marines confiscated dozens more firearms, tear gas devices, and three IEDs from the would-be insurgents.
“We have a strong presence there now, and we’re kicking the feds out. Make no mistake, the military is in charge,” our source said.







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