[Military Arrests US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink]RRN
By Michael Baxter -October 10, 2022
US Special Forces on Saturday arrested US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Ann Brink on charges of treason, after White Hats at Cyber Command discovered she had been clandestinely hand-delivering enormous amounts of cash to Ukrainian officials in the war-torn country known for harboring pedophiles and bioweapon scientists.
Brink’s brief tenure ended abruptly when an unknown number of Special Forces surrounded her family’s 20-acre vacation home in Ferndale, California, a remote coastal community near the mouth of the Eel River. After disabling an intricate security system and using a circular glass cutter to make entry through a dining room window, Special Forces found Brink asleep in bed. Brink, startled awake, shouted, “I have powerful friends,” as Special Forces sealed her mouth with tape, cuffed her, and egressed to a civilian van waiting at the property’s edge.
Bridget Ann Brink was in April 2022 nominated by globalist Joseph R. Biden to be the US Ambassador to Ukraine, and had previously served as the US Ambassador to Slovakia from August 2019 until May 2022. On May 18, 2022, the committee reported her favorably to the Senate floor. Her nomination process was fast-tracked, and she was unanimously confirmed by the entire Senate via voice vote later that day. She presented her credentials on May 30, 2022, and took office during the 2022 Russian conflict with Ukraine.
The White Hat partition of the US military became interested in Brink in July, shortly after she said, “I’ll do anything and everything to protect Ukrainian sovereignty, for as long as it takes,” and the regime announced it had just sent Volodymyr Zelenskyy $250 million in military aid. Around that time, the military received what it considered to be credible intelligence alleging that Biden’s care package for Ukraine was a distraction, an obfuscation aimed at concealing the fact that the criminal regime had already illicitly, and without congressional approval, sent Ukraine a far greater sum of cash, nearly $2.2bn. Brink, JAG sources said, was the frontwoman of the operation.
The military now says it has evidence proving that, on July 12, 2022, a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy transport plane departed Andrews Air Force Base for Warsaw Chopin Airport. Moreover, White Hats say the C-5, which can hold 380,000 lbs. of cargo, carried $100 bills bundled in cellophane and discretely hidden inside MRE—meals ready to eat—cases, as well as medical supplies. Fifteen minutes after the C-5 took to the skies, a State Department Boeing 757 lifted off from runway O1R and followed the C-5’s flight path. Brink was on that flight, sources said. The C-5 landed in Warsaw at 1530 UTC, and the 757 at 1700 UTC. The military believes the 757, which has a shorter range than a C-5, made a refueling pitstop in London before continuing to Warsaw, which would account for time discrepancies.
When the C-5 touched down, though, it was met by a trucking fleet—Ukrainian and Polish—that stood ready to unload the cargo; the crew, however, did not open the rear cargo ramp until Brink’s plane touched down 90 minutes afterward.
JAG says it has video of Brink using tinsnips to cut the bands on an MRE carton, then showing a Ukrainian officer, identified as Lieutenant General Serhiy Shaptala of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, the bundled cash. The entire cargo was then transferred to military trucks and 18-wheelers and driven to Kyiv, a 10-hour drive.
“We have irrefutable proof of this, and it was more than enough to indict and issue a warrant for Brink,” our source said. “But believe it or not, it gets worse.”
The “worse” is how the Biden regime appropriated the $2.2bn gift to Zelenskyy.
This year Biden’s strengthened Internal Revenue Service has bragged about collecting more federal tax revenue than in any point in history–$4.05 trillion. JAG asserts the $2.2bn was taken from federal coffers, laundered through offshore shell corporations run by the Central Intelligence Agency, and given to Brink to take to Ukraine.
“I can’t yet discuss how we know this, but many players are involved, and we’re pursuing them all. We don’t know why Ukraine wanted American cash instead of, say, shipments of guns, bombs, and Stinger missiles, but we know that plane wasn’t carrying MREs. A lot’s going on here. We doubt Brink will talk, but that won’t impede our investigations.”[end]
By Michael Baxter -2022年10月10日
軍は、2022年7月12日にロッキードC-5ギャラクシー輸送機が、アンドリュース空軍基地からワルシャワ・ショパン空港に向けて出発したことを証明する航跡証拠があると、現在把握している。さらに、ホワイト・ハット軍によれば、38万ポンドの貨物を搭載できるC-5は、100ドル札をセロハンで束ねて、すぐ食べられる食料品「MRE-meals ready to eat」-包装名のケース中に、目立たないように隠密の袋として偽装し詰め込み、念のため医療品も偽装して積んでいたとのことである。C-5が飛行してから15分後、政権国務省のボーイング757が滑走路O1Rから離陸し、C-5の跡の飛行経路をたどった。ブリンク大使はその便に搭乗していたという。C-5は1530UTC時に、遅れて757は1700UTC時にワルシャワに着陸した。 軍は、C-5より航続距離が短い757がワルシャワに向かう前にロンドンで途中給油を行ったと見ており、これが到着時間の時間差のずれを説明するものと思われる。
JAGによると、その90分間、Brink大使がブリキバサミで偽装されたMRE箱のバンドを切り割いて、ウクライナ国防省の参謀総長セルヒイ・シャプタラ(Serhiy Shaptala)中将と名乗るウクライナ人将校に渡したという。束になった現金を彼に見せる映像が残っているとのことである。その後、積んだ荷物はすべてウクライナ軍のトラックや18輪車に移されてから、車で10時間かけて首都キエフに運ばれたという。
その 「最悪の横領」とは、似非バイデン政権がゼレンスキーへの22億ドルの贈与を、一体どのように分割流用したかである。
Brink大使が偽装された積荷のMRE箱バンドを割いて、ウクライナ国防省の参謀総長セルヒイ・シャプタラ(Serhiy Shaptala)中将と名乗るウクライナ人将校(マネロン仲介人)に、総計で22億ドル近くのキャッシュを(何度か)手渡したという、典型的な国家反逆罪=裏切り者[Renagde]共だった。