

🦈ギルド戦基本戦術🦈🦈Basic Guild Warfare Tactics🦈

2021-10-22 07:43:40 | herowars

🦈🦈(2021/10/22 ギルドマスターより)🦈
English translation is below

If you can't be bothered to read it, just read the bottom line.
##If no changes are made to the chat by 9:30 UTC, attack in the order specified in the guild chat before the guild war begins.




#1:橋は強力過ぎるので後回し or 橋に私が特攻かけて様子を見ます
#2:[魔術学校] [兵舎] [灯台]



🦈🦈Basic Guild Warfare Tactics🦈🦈(from Guild Master on 2021/10/22)
English translation is below

🦈🦈# Guild Wars are held from Monday to Friday, from UTC (9:00) to UTC (20:00).
There may be a league switchover on Saturday.
Please check the main screen=>guilds=>guild wars=>time for the next guild war to start
(Normally, it will be announced in the guild chat)

🦈🦈## Please check the guild chat for instructions on the target and order of attack first.
🦈🦈##If there are no instructions from the Guildmaster (GM) within 30 minutes of the start of the battle (9:30 UTC)
General Y*** should give the order.
If you don't get instructions from General Y***, General C***** will give you instructions.
If there are no instructions from General C*****, General W****** will give the instructions.
If none of the above is available, please use the following "Plan A Gate" as the basic policy
In addition, instructions from GM or General may be "Plan A 🦈".

🦈Plan A.
#1: Capture the bridge
## There is a left and right side of Plan A. You can indicate which side you want in guild chat.

🦈Plan B
#1: Bridge is too powerful, so I'll attack it later, or I'll attack the bridge myself and see what happens.
#2: [magic school] [barracks] [lighthouse].
#3: Attack the bridge if there's room.

🦈Plan C
#1: You're all free to go from the start.

🦈🦈🦈 #4: Use all the power you can, but if you lose or fail to qualify, enjoy the situation for what it is!


2021-10-05 15:16:06 | herowars
 (下ルートが待機場所でのアクション数が多いためボス討伐の可能性が高い )





2021-10-05 11:12:17 | herowars

2021/09/26 時点でのギルドの進むべき方向についての私の考え
Thoughts on the direction the guild should take (as of 2021/09/26) English text is as follows

(2021/09/26 12:26 carcharodonのギルドマスターGaleomorphi)
(2021/09/26 UTC 03:26 Galeomorphi, Guildmaster of carcharodon)
2021/10/5Carcharodon has changed its guild name to JapaneseShark.

My thoughts on the direction guilds should take as of 09/26/2021
Last week I had a lot to think about, and I've been rethinking the direction of guild wars and such.
There is no need to overdo it, but it is polite and hospitable to do your best.
It sounds good to say that we should let people do what they want, but I think we were using it as an excuse to skip instructions.
But I don't want to impose any penalties or charges in the future. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
### Specifics.
#1: I'm going to start giving more specific instructions on the target and order of attacks, so please check the Guild chat first to see if there are instructions before attacking.
#2:Basically, the first one is the bridge=>[Ice][Gate][Fire], whichever is easier to attack=>Citadel.
 =>Bases that other people can get their hands on and almost occupy (Foundry, Fountain of Elements, etc.)
#3: If I'm not here or can't be reached, General Y*** should give the orders.
 If General Y*** doesn't give you instructions, General C***** will.
 If there are no instructions from General C******, General W******* will give them.
#4: If you lose or fail to qualify even after using all your strength, enjoy the situation!

日本時間2021/9/19 0:49 ギルマスからのプレゼント

2021-09-19 01:09:54 | herowars
日本時間2021/9/19 0:49 ギルマスからのプレゼントを12名の方に送りました。
  2021/9/18 15:49(UTC), Gifts from Guildmaster sent to 12 people.(English text is at the bottom.)
2021/9/18 15:49(UTC), Gifts from Guilmas sent to 12 people.
Group A. Top 10 Guild Activities
Group B. Those who do not fall into Group A, but whose contribution to the guild has been recognized in my sole discretion.
There are two winners this time: [******] was selected for their many achievements and titanium stone contributions,
and [******] was selected for their bold participation in guild wars and titanium stone contributions.
#### I will distribute these gifts according to the amount of guild activity you have done.
Until last week, there were 15 A-quota + B-quota, but due to the decrease in inventory,
there will be 10 A-quota + B-quota. After next week, the quantity may increase or decrease.


2021-09-17 10:50:32 | herowars
Results of opening 14 heavenly gift boxes (including results of re-opening again)
Tristan's soul stone x75, speed skin stone x150, power skin stone x50, gold x700k
Gold x700k, G Arena Coin x400, Arena Coin x200, Tower Coin x200, Outland Coin x300
Energy Bottle x1, Huge Experience Pot x6, Perfect Artifacts Treasure Chest x5, Great Enchantment Rune x4
Valkyrie Avatar of Wrath

タワーで満額取れない方へのコツ(A tip for those who cannot get the full reward in the tower.)

2021-09-17 06:28:38 | herowars
塔の中で満額の報酬を取れない方へのヒント(English translation is at the bottom) このページの短縮URLは https://is.gd/zuhMXF です

#2: 1人以上倒されて勝ちそうな場合は、キーボード左上の[ESC]ボタンを押して[撤退]してから、人数を2~3人に減らして戦い全滅させてください。


### https://herowarsjpwebfb.com/tower/

A tip for those who cannot get the full reward in the tower.
Once you reach the top floor of the tower, you will be able to open 15 treasure chests.
If you can't reach the 50th floor or get the full amount of gold (over 60,000 points), here are some tips
#1: Points will be deducted if some of your team members are defeated and win.
Put in the weakest heroes first, and then the five strongest at the end, but
It is better for all but the five strongest to be wiped out than for one to be defeated and win on that floor.
(Annihilation is not a point deduction. However, if the strongest team gets wiped out, that's the end of the game.)

#2: If one or more players are defeated and you are on the verge of winning, press the [ESC] button in the upper left corner of the keyboard to [Retreat], then reduce the number of players to two or three and fight them to extinction.
Then fight again with stronger members.
(If you withdraw and start over with the same members, you may be able to win without anyone dying.

#3: I've been doing it this way for about 20 days now, and I've gotten paid in full every time!

### https://herowarsjpwebfb.com/tower/
See also.