
The Manageability of Epididymitis: The True Danger Lies in Inadequate Treatment Options

Epididymitis, a common male reproductive system disease, often arises due to infections spreading from nearby organs. The symptoms include sudden scrotal pain, swelling of the epididymis, tenderness, and possible fever and induration.

Epididymitis can be categorized into two types based on its manifestations:

Acute Epididymitis: This type presents with a rapid onset, evident scrotal swelling, and pain. Pain might radiate to the groin and lower back. Physical activities may exacerbate discomfort, while resting tends to reduce pain.

Chronic Epididymitis: Clinical symptoms are relatively mild, primarily manifesting as slight dull aches or pains in the affected epididymis. Some patients may notice slight enlargement or palpable hard lumps in the local area, along with feelings of falling or swelling.

If left untreated for prolonged periods, it may negatively impact one's sexual life and lead to potential sexual dysfunction.

Is Epididymitis a Serious Condition?

If pathogenic microorganisms infect the epididymis, inflammation occurs, resulting in congestion and edema in the lumen. This natural decline in nurturing ability can lead to impaired sperm function, reduced nutrient secretion by the epididymis, and ultimately an increased ratio of inactive or dead sperm in the ejaculated semen. Active sperm may also suffer from weak mobility, leading to conditions like asthenospermia or necrospermia.

Epididymal cysts and induration pose significant challenges. They can obstruct sperm transport, causing male infertility. Furthermore, the treatment of these cysts becomes more difficult with time. Current statistics show that epididymal cysts and induration are the primary causes of most male infertility cases.

So, how can Epididymitis be treated? Anti-infection therapy, symptomatic treatment, and general therapy are the main approaches.

1. Anti-infection Treatment: For infection-caused epididymitis, it is crucial to identify the infection focus and use sensitive antibiotics based on bacterial culture and drug sensitivity tests. Commonly used drugs include ceftazidime, erythromycin, ofloxacin, tetracycline, moxifloxacin, etc.

2. Symptomatic Treatment: During anti-infection therapy, most patients may require symptomatic treatment to relieve pain, improve blood circulation, and promote the resolution of systemic infection. Symptomatic treatment becomes the primary method for epididymitis caused by injury without infection. For instance, using ibuprofen for pain relief and applying magnesium sulfate solution for wet compress to reduce swelling. Sometimes, antibiotics may be given to prevent infection in injury-caused epididymitis, along with antipyretic drugs.

The herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a commonly used method to treat epididymitis. Its heat-clearing, detoxifying, swelling-relieving, and pain-relieving properties can help alleviate epididymal swelling and pain. It also aids in blood circulation and the dispersion of phlegm and nodules, significantly impacting the discomfort caused by chronic epididymitis. Additionally, it addresses the entire urogenital system, treating conditions like prostatitis and orchitis.

3. General Treatment: Patients should rest and avoid excessive physical activities, which can worsen epididymal congestion and swelling. Both acute and chronic epididymitis can be relieved by raising the scrotum, early ice compress, and later hot compress. Note that ice or hot compress may temporarily affect testicular spermatogenic function, so caution is advised for individuals who have not yet fathered children.





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