IZ*ONE wins 2nd title at “2018 MAMA”
IZ*ONE wins 2nd title at “2018 MAMA”「2018 MAMA」でIZ*ONE2冠Japanese-Korean group IZ*ONE wins ...

Watch Yuri's (formerly IZONE) comeback song "Love Shhh!" MV
Watch Yuri's (formerly IZONE) comeback song "Love Shhh!" MVユリ(元IZONE)のカムバック曲「Love Shhh!」MV...

Is Yena, a cute girl, going to have her first big break? ? (Former IZONE)
Is Yena, a cute girl, going to have her first big break? ? (Former IZONE)イェナ、可愛い子ちゃん初の大ブレイ...

The character image that Rei should aim for in “IVE”
The character image that Rei should aim for in “IVE”レイが「IVE」で目指さねばならないキャライメージ"IVE" Japanes...

The maknae of “IVE” is only 14 years old
The maknae of “IVE” is only 14 years old「IVE(アイヴ)」のマンネはまだ14歳"IVE" 14-year-old member "Iso"...

Wonyoung and Eugene take a relaxing walk with selfie sticks
Wonyoung and Eugene take a relaxing walk with selfie sticksウォニョンやユジン、自撮り棒でくつろぎの散策"IVE" Won...

From the introduction video of IVE “Liz”
From the introduction video of IVE “Liz”IVE「リズ」の紹介映像からIVE “Liz” self-introducti...

Looking forward to “IVE” as it approaches its debut
Looking forward to “IVE” as it approaches its debutデビュー近づく「IVE」に期待を込めるWonyoung ...

While talking about Wonyoung from IVE
While talking about Wonyoung from IVEIVE(アイヴ)のウォニョンを語りながらIVE's Wonyoung's current height.....

Excited about IVE's new album
Excited about IVE's new albumIVEの新アルバムに期待ワクワクIVE new AL “Switch” – Highlight ...
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