雨の記号(rain symbol)

"Mr Taxi" Yuri (Girls' Generation) May 2011

"Mr Taxi" Yuri (Girls' Generation) May 2011
「Mr Taxi 」のユリ(少女時代)2011年5月

I enjoy watching "Mr Taxi" from Girls' Generation on TV Asahi Music Station repeatedly.
At that time, it was a record and now it is a video, but their songs never get tired like the Beatles music. You will never get tired of seeing it. It repeats many times.
Because I watched until late at night for fear of shortening my life, it seems that I was completely captivated by their songs.

In the M-Station version of "Mr Taxi", you can see comments on the internet saying that Yuri made a mistake or made a mistake in dancing.
When I saw the live video of Music Station, I was also good at the beginning, saying, "Oh, this is the place. I'm sure you're making a mistake."
However, after watching it many times, I came to think that it didn't seem to be the case.
It doesn't protect Yuri, but my judgment seems to be in tune with her front-row performance, rather than making a mistake. She goes down to her back row and pretends to be twice. Right rear and left rear. The way of swinging at this time is exactly the same.
I buy her dance, but she may be a clumsy category in the sense that she dances with others. When she goes down to the back of her, she seems to be the one who is most suited to the front row.
Among others, it is Hyoon and Yuna who have no blurring in their dance whether they are in front or behind. Jessica may be in this category, but they seem to be dancing in the face of music, regardless of the movements of others.

I really like lilies that dance to the movements of others behind me.

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