Booby's Hara (KARA)
Plastic surgeon: "KARA's Hara lacks natural beauty...4th in beauty ranking"
Amid the buzz surrounding the release of KARA's beauty ranking, attention was focused on Hara's ranking.
Hara was ranked 4th in KARA's beauty ranking on MBC Music's "All the K-Pop" broadcast on the 28th.
This ranking was the result of a survey of 100 plastic surgeons and nurses in Cheongdam-dong, where many plastic surgery clinics are located.
Hara ranked 4th, behind Kang Ji-young in 3rd place.
Everyone was surprised by the unexpected result that Hara, who boasts outstanding beauty with a slim waist and large eyes, was ranked 4th, which is a low ranking.
The expert explained, "Hara's facial proportions are perfect and she's cute.
But because she's too perfect, she seems to lack natural beauty."
First place went to Gyuri, who is a self-proclaimed "goddess."
The majority of plastic surgeons said, "Gyuri has perfect facial features and a golden ratio," and "She has the most ideal shape and ratio of the eyes, nose, and mouth."
In fact, there are even people who want to have surgery like Gyuri.
Gyuri was humble and said, "I think it was worth it to tell myself I'm a goddess since my debut."
Second place went to Seungyeon, who is loved for her cute facial features.
Hara's facial shape and friendly eyes were evaluated as being particularly beautiful.
Seungyeon said, "Actually, I'm self-conscious about my eyes. I have deep-set eyelids, so I've been told many times that when I open my eyes wide, I look scary and strong," and added, "That's why I'm so happy to be chosen as second place."
Nicole came in fifth. The show will air at 11pm on the 28th. (From Entertainment News) One of the charms of the girl group KARA is that it has five girls who are all completely different types. A survey was conducted on 100 plastic surgeons and nurses, and the "beauty ranking" of the girls was revealed. My favorite, Hara, came out fourth. Rather than being surprised, I was more impressed with how good it was. I can somehow understand why Gyuri came in first. That's because Gyuri is the only one in KARA who has a classic beautiful face. The rest of the ranking changes depending on the concept from time to time. ★ "Hara's face has good proportions and is perfect and cute. But because she's too perfect, she seems to lack natural beauty." The point of this survey seems to have been "natural beauty." Hara was placed at booby-hole fourth place. In last place went to Nicole, who has an extremely strong personality.
Seungyeon placed second for her modest style that doesn't try to compete with Gyuri's beauty.
Kang Jiyoung, whose youth and vitality overshadow her beauty, came in third in the middle.
All of them fit perfectly, and Hara's fourth place seems like the only place she could have placed.
However, it's sure to be Hara who will come out on top in some survey and steal the show.
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