Because of the close relationship between Red Velvet's Joy and Lay (IVE)
Red Velvetジョイとレイ(IVE)の仲のよさから
Red Velvet's Joy is thrilled to receive a portrait of Lay as a gift: "I have to make it my wallpaper"
★ On the 25th, Joy uploaded a portrait illustration on her Instagram story, saying, "A picture Lay drew for me as a gift."
The picture shows Joy looking diagonally upwards. Joy wrote, "I wanted to brag," and "Thank you, Lay."
Joy also uploaded an image of their conversation on KakaoTalk. It seems like the two are close enough to communicate directly.
♦ Lay ➡ Senior, my hobby is drawing, so I drew this while looking at a picture of my favorite senior.
♦ Joy ➡ You're really good. Thank you. I'm so touched. I have to make it my background right away.
Lay (IVE) has mentioned Joy (Red Velvet) as a senior he admires many times in the past. He also confessed that "Joy made me dream of becoming a singer."
Red Velvet released "Feel My Rhythm" on the 21st of this month.
After their comeback, Lay apparently gave Joy, whom he admires, a portrait (illustration) as a present.
The two are similar in aura rather than in appearance. Here too, they have a somewhat sister-like aura, but when they position themselves in their respective teams, they strongly feel a common aura.
Joy always exudes a carefree aura in Red Velvet's performances.
Whether in the center or on the side, Joy always does what she needs to do.
But she is not the type to show strong self-assertion.
She performs without straining and without disturbing the others, and she never loses sight of her own individuality.
The refreshing nature of this positioning has contributed to the appeal of Red Velvet's stages.
In other words, she has made Red Velvet's performances appealing by finding a good compromise with everyone, not with anyone.
Recently, it seems that fans are starting to realize Joy's charm.
Sometimes I feel that Ray has a similar positioning to Joy within IVE.
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