The Binくん diary.
Was trying to use TB6612FNG.
I'm now in the process to create a trash bin robot, Binくん. I have bought all of the parts, waited for days, and eventually today, I can start the wiring process. It uses an H-Bridge to control 2 of its motors. I was wanted to use L298N, which is the common H-bridge used in the microcontroller world, but then I saw this video:
TB6612FNG.. sounds interesting, as it is very small and I don't have to build the diode circuit to tame the backfire voltage. So I searched for one and found it through the online marketplace. The store is in Surabaya, it took 3 days to arrive.
So, today, I tried to use it using the breadboard. It is a dual output H-bridge controller, and we can control the speed of each motor using PWM sockets, which is available for each output, according to this schematic diagram:
So I wired the breadboard, wrote some code to test it, and voila, It didn't work..
The motors run well, but I couldn't set the speed of each motor, It will only run at full speed. I tried to not use the common ground for, as I thought the chip alter the ground according to the PWM signal, but it didn't work either.
I was lost, as I really want to use this chip for the project. I've prepared my L298N and was about to dump the TB6612 chip, but then I take a look at the chip very carefully;
I expected it to be a Toshiba TB6612 chip. Maybe that's why it says NC (Not Connected) on each of the supposed to be the PWM socket, which has assured me it couldn't receive the PWM signal.
Searched for the internet about the DRV8833 and I found out that it actually can receive PWM inputs, and it's not separated with the HIGH/LOW inputs as with the TB6612, but it's integrated with the AIN/BIN inputs, which is great!
I rewired the wires and it needs 2 fewer GPIO outputs than before, as it doesn't need a separated HIGH/LOW signal and the PWM signal for each of the motor control, and it works very nice.
It is a good chip, effective, and small, but looking at its size, I don't know about its reliability. Well, let see how long this chip will last with me.