

Conveniently located near Hotel Kuki!

2024-10-12 11:21:43 | 日記
Thank you very much for visiting our website.
Kinonene Co., Ltd. operates a restaurant business called Ryotei Kinonene and a accommodation business called Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture. and Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.

#Hotel Kuki in #Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.
Good morning, good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.
Last month, two Super Yaoko shops opened in Kuki City. On the day of the opening, the east exit of Kuki (where our company is located) was jam-packed from early in the morning. The whole east exit was so jammed that we couldn't move. A huge turnout!
It takes about 15 minutes to walk from Hotel Kuki and about 6 minutes by bicycle.
Next door to Super Yaoko is a drugstore Seki and a Daiso.
It has become very convenient. However, the land has not been neatly rezoned and there are inevitably traffic jams. I am looking forward to the area being cleaned up soon.

Hotel Kuki 0480-22-6522

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2024-10-03 11:57:22 | 日記
#埼玉県 #久喜市 にある #ホテル久喜 です。
今週末の10月5日土曜日にお隣の町、鴻巣市において「燃えよ!商工会青年部!! 第21回こうのす花火大会」が開催されます。
なんと!打ち上げ発数 約2万発!

ホテル久喜 0480−22−6522

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Let's get fancy! Fireworks display

2024-10-03 11:49:59 | 日記
Thank you very much for visiting our website.
Kinonene Co., Ltd. operates a restaurant business called Ryotei Kinonene and a accommodation business called Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture. and Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.

#Hotel Kuki in #Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.
On the coming Saturday, 5 October, in the neighbouring town of Konosu, the ‘Burn! Youth Club of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry! The 21st Konosu Fireworks Display’ will be held in the neighbouring town of Konosu.
This weekend, on Saturday 5 October, in the neighbouring town of Konosu, the ‘Burn! Commerce and Industry Youth Club! The 21st Konosu Fireworks Festival’ will be held in the neighbouring town of Konosu.
What a surprise! About 20,000 fireworks will be launched!
The Konosu City Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Club, made up of local shopkeepers, business owners and young people who will become business owners in the future, volunteer to organise this fireworks display in the hope of developing local commerce and industry and giving dreams and hopes to the children.
This year, it is going to be more spectacular than ever. We are looking forward to it!
The festival is also famous for launching the world's heaviest four-foot-tall ball, which was recognised by the Guinness Book of Records as a world record in 2014. It is full of flashy programmes and boasts overwhelming power.
The thumping explosions can be heard as far as Kuki City!
For more information, please check out the link I've posted: https://kounosuhanabi.com
For your stay on that occasion, go to Hotel Kuki.

Hotel Kuki 0480-22-6522

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2024-09-27 10:57:50 | 日記
#埼玉県 #久喜市 にある #ホテル久喜 です。
来たる10月5日土曜日にお隣の町、鴻巣市において「燃えよ!商工会青年部!! 第21回こうのす花火大会」が開催されます。
なんと!打ち上げ発数 約2万発!

ホテル久喜 0480−22−6522

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A thumping shot! Konosu Fireworks Festival

2024-09-27 10:50:04 | 日記
Thank you very much for visiting our website.
Kinonene Co., Ltd. operates a restaurant business called Ryotei Kinonene and a accommodation business called Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture. and Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.

#Hotel Kuki in #Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.
On the coming Saturday, 5 October, in the neighbouring town of Konosu, the ‘Burn! Youth Club of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry! The 21st Konosu Fireworks Display’ will be held in the neighbouring town of Konosu.
What a surprise! About 20,000 fireworks will be launched!
The Konosu City Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Club, made up of local shopkeepers, business owners and young people who will become business owners in the future, volunteer to organise this fireworks display in the hope of developing local commerce and industry and giving dreams and hopes to children.
It is not a government-led event, but a 100% handmade fireworks display that is unique in the country, starting with going door to door to local businesses to collect sponsorship money, and then having about 30 members of the Youth Club handle everything from planning and management to the clean-up after the display.
It is now a citizens' participation type fireworks display, with volunteer staff from many children and organisations gathering from all over the city.
The event has been recognised by the Guinness Book of Records as a world record in 2014!
It is famous for launching the world's heaviest four-foot-tall ball, which was recognised by the Guinness Book of Records as a world record in 2014. It is full of flashy programmes and boasts overwhelming power.
The thumping explosions can be heard as far as Kuki City!
For more information, please check out the link: https://kounosuhanabi.com
For your stay on that occasion, go to Hotel Kuki.

Hotel Kuki 0480-22-6522

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