

cherry blossom viewing

2024-03-20 11:24:09 | 日記
Thank you very much for visiting our website.
Kinonene Co., Ltd. operates a restaurant business called Ryotei Kinonene and a accommodation business called Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture. and Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.

#Hotel Kuki in #Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.
Good morning, good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.
The weather is getting a little warmer and more pleasant.
Today, 20 March, is the first day of spring, and according to the calendar, spring has arrived. It is still chilly in Kuki.
Now, in the neighbouring town of Satte, the Satte Cherry Blossom Festival will be held from today at Gongendo.
The Someiyoshino cherry trees are a little early, but the Kawazu cherry trees are at their best.
Why not go and see them? When you stay overnight, please visit Hotel Kuki.
Satte City Tourist Association → https://www.satte-k.com/kaika/index.html

Hotel Kuki 0480-22-6522

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