
過去の今日のTHE BEATLESだヨ(=^◇^=)


 ┃『Some Time in New York City』┃
‡1972(昭和47)年06月12日(月) US released
 1972(昭和47)年09月15日(金) UK released
 1969(昭和44)年12月15日(月) Lyceum Ballroom, London
 1971(昭和46)年06月06日(日) Fillmore East, New York City
 フランク・ザッパ、『ザ・マザーズ1971』の50周年記念ボックスが発売 ジョン・レノン参加音源も
 2022(令和四)年01月28日(金) 14:20配信 CDジャーナル Photo by Henry Diltz-scaled
◎こっちの国内盤をリリースするなら、"The ROXY Performances"(7CD-BOX)を出して欲しかったな。写真のSGはヘッド塗装が?がされて無いので、ピックアップはオリジナルのP-90だろうね。
◎素人が手を出してはいけないCD 私を含めザッパを愛する 少数マニア隣人どもよ さぁ買おう!
◎★★★★★★★ こんなニュースみたらあーいかん風呂蒸せて悩むわー

 01. Introduction
 02. I Saw Her Stainding There
 03. I Want To Hold Your Hand
 04. All My Loving
 05. She Loves You
 06. Till There Was You
 07. Roll Over Beethoven
 08. Can’t Buy Me Love
 09. This Boy
 10. Twist And Shout
 11. Long Tall Sally
 12. Outroduction
■Mクローデル『300000 BEATLE FANS CAN’T BE WRONG』のCD単体リリース
 ビートルズが世界に飛躍した年として記憶される1964年。年初にパリで連続公演を行ない、その間に「抱きしめたい」が全米ナンバー1奪取のニュースが入る。2月に初渡米、この時はエドサリバンショウの他、コンサートはワシントンとカーネギーホールの2回のみであった。これはファンの飢餓感を煽るエプスタインの戦略だったと言われている。満を持して全米ツアーを行なうのは同年8月であった。この全米ツアーはワールド・ツアーの一環として位置付けられており、アメリカ前に、ビートルズは欧州はもちろん、6月にはオーストラリアにも足を運んでいる。これはビートルズにとって初めてのオーストラリアであった。ビートルズ初の豪州ツアーは、アデレイドを皮切りに、メルボルン、シドニー、さらにニュージーランド・ツアーを挟んでブリスベンと、わずか半月の間をほぼ休みなく16公演という規模で行なわれた慌ただしいものであった。本作には、この豪州ツアーのまさに初日、1964年6月12日アデレイド公演を完全収録している。リンゴは扁桃腺治療のためメルボルンからの途中参加で、本作収録のアデレイドを含むツアー前半のドラマーはジミーニコルが代行している。ジャケット写真では、フロントの3人のバックでジミーニコルがドラムを叩いている姿が確認できる。アデレイド公演は地元のラジオ局が収録したということで、古くからマニアの間で親しまれてきた有名な音源である。しかし本作に収録のソースはジェネレーションが若いため、既発と比較してレンジが広く、またコモリ気味であった既発と比べクリアで音質の優れたベスト・バージョンとなっている。またピッチ調整を施し正確なスピードで収録されているのも特筆すべき点であろう。内容は素晴らしいの一言に尽きる。なにせ初めての豪州ツアーの初日である。司会者の長いイントロダクションがあり、聴衆に冷静になるよう促している。英国、欧州、米国のみならず、ここ豪州でもビートルズの人気が沸騰していた事が伺える。セットリストはこの後の米国ツアーと異なり特別なものとなっている。まず1曲目が「I Saw Her Standing There」で始まるというのも興味深い。レコードと同じように高らかなカウントで始まり、豪州のファンたちは一気にこの時ハートを盗まれたに違いない。2曲目には早くも「抱きしめたい」が演奏されている。同じツアーのメルボルンでは「You Can’t Do That」に変更されているので、この並びで演奏されるのは非常に珍しいと言える。前述のようにリンゴが不在なため、当然ジミーニコルがボーカルを採ることもなく、ジョンとポール以外では、ジョージが「Roll Over Beethoven」を歌っている。さらに「Twist And Shout」と「Long Tall Sally」という、レコーディングにおいてはジョンとポールがそれぞれのファースト・テイクを勢いそのまま収録したという、初期を代表するカバー・ナンバーの連続でコンサートを締めくくっている。CDの後半は、初登場となる6月18日シドニー公演より2曲、「I Saw Her Standing There」と「You Can’t Do That」を収録している。オーディエンス録音による、けして良い音質とはいえず、かつ断片的なものであるが、当時の熱狂、ファンの様子、何より初めて聴くMクローデルで初登場したビートルズのライヴである。イントロにDJのナレーションが被り、シドニー公演のライヴと共にスタジオ・バージョンの楽曲も同時に収録されているので、まさかこの形で放送されたとは思えないが、おそらくラジオ局の誰かが試しに会場でテープをまわしたものだと思われる。初登場ビートルズのシドニー公演である。また最後にアデレイドとシドニーにおける記者会見と、ジョンとジミーニコルのインタビューを収録している。ビートルズ初の豪州ツアーより、初日アデレイド公演をロウ・ジェネ・テープより完全収録。音質、ピッチ調整、内容、古くから知られている音源の決定盤である。また初登場シドニー公演より2曲、アデレイドとシドニーの記者会見とジョンとジミーニコルのインタビューを同時収録。Mクローデル『300000 BEATLE FANS CAN’T BE WRONG(CD+2DVD)』のCD単体リリースである。美しいピクチャー・ディスク仕様の永久保存がっちりプレス盤。日本語帯付。
 2020(令和二)年03月11日(水) ウォルトディズニースタジオは、ジャクソンのドキュメンタリー(現在はビートルズ:ゲットバック)の全世界での配給権を取得したと発表しました。当初は、
 2020(令和二)年09月04日(金) 米国とカナダでウォルトディズニースタジオモーションピクチャーズによってリリースされる予定でしたが、その後にグローバルリリース
‡2020(令和二)年06月12日(金) COVID-19のパンデミックにより、2021.8.27に映画延期公開発表
 2021(令和三)年08月27日(金) 映画延期公開
 ┃『Some Time in New York City』┃
 1969(昭和44)年12月15日(mon) Lyceum Ballroom, London
‡1972(昭和47)年06月12日(mon) US released
 1972(昭和47)年09月15日(fri) UK released
 1971(昭和46)年06月06日(sun) Fillmore East, New York City
 1970(昭和45)年04月01日(wed)号『THE SUN』

 鑑定依頼人 折戸隆さん
   鑑定士 本多康宏 
  ジャンル ビートルズ 
 本人評価額 ¥ 1,000,000
 ┃ THE BEATLES INTERVIEW   ┃  DM's Beatles site
 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛by Dmitry Murashev
 |Adelaide, Australia |No.17
‡1964(昭和39)年06月12日(fri) June 12
 Ringo☆Starr collapsed and was hospitalized on June 3rd 1964 with tonsilitis. Jimmy Nicol was hired as a temporary fill-in drummer so that the 1964 Australasian Tour could continue as planned. Ringo, after being temporarily cured, rejoined the group in Melbourne on June 14th 1964. His tonsils were later removed in December. This press conference marked the Beatles' arrival in Adelaide with Jimmy Nicol, speaking from the South Australia Hotel.
 Q: "and now for their first press conference in 'South' Australia, the fabulous Beatles! Welcome!"
 John: "Thank you."
 Q: "Well fellas, what did you think of the Adelaide reception?"
 John: "Oh, it was great! The best ever!"
 Q: "Was it like what I'd mentioned to you on the plane it would be?"
 John: "Yeah! It was better!"
 Q: "Was it like anything you'd ever had before?"
 George: "No, much better."
 John: "No. We've never done one of those 'drives' as well. It was marvelous."
 Q: "How would it compare with the ones in the United States when you arrived there?"
 Paul: "This was bigger. There was more people there."
 Q: "Do you think it was very well conducted?"
 John: "Yes. Everybody was well behaved."
 Q: "Did you get a fright at all outside the Town Hall?"
 John: "Not fright. Shock, you know - because there was so many."
 Q: "Do you ever get this feeling that maybe someone's gonna try and knock you off or something?"
 George: "I had a feeling we might've got shot, 'cuz it's the first time we'd been sitting in the back of a (convertable) car waving, you know."
 Q: "I noticed you took alot of shots (photos) from the back of the car, George."
 George: "Yeah."
 Q: "What was it that you dropped off of the balcony, Paul?
 George: "That was, uhh... ME!"
 Paul: "It was him who dropped something off?"
 George: "No. I meant you dropped me."
 Paul: "OH!"
 George: (comically) "Joking!!"
 Q: "Were you disappointed that the airport was closed - that the kids couldn't get close to the plane?"
 John: "I didn't think it mattered - with them all being able to see us anyway along the route."
 George: "...because they saw us better I think by lining the road. They saw us better than if we'd just..."
 (Jimmy Nicol appears)
 John: "Come here, Jim!"
 Paul: "There he is! Jimmy!"
 Q: "There's Jimmy Nicol - drummer for Ringo Starr."
 (Beatles applaud)
 Q: "Tell me - What did the Lord Mayor say to you?"
 George: "Uhh, he said it was very nice to have us in - he was all pleased, and 'have a drink.'"
 Q: "and what did you say to the Lord Mayor?"
 Paul: "Thanks."
 Q: "What did you drink?"
 Paul: "Scotch and Coke. Coke, actually."
 Q: "When you make up a new number, how long do you rehearse it for?"
 John: "Sometimes it takes an hour or two."
 Paul: "Normally, with new numbers, we don't rehearse them until we record them."
 Q: "Tell me, John - With these capes that you wore today, did you pick one of these up in Amsterdam or something?"
 John: "No, the first one we saw was in Amsterdam when we were going to these canals - some lad had one on. and, uhh, we couldn't get any. You know, we could get one which wasn't the right color... Green. We had four made in Hong Kong - copies of this one, in this material."
 Q: "I, being a little older than you four good-looking gentlemen..."
 John: (comically) "Are you??"
 Q: "Just a little older, as a matter of fact... I will remember the launching of Frank Sinatra, and Johnny Ray, and Elvis Presley - but THIS to my mind is unprecedented by virtue of the fantastic build-up and the publicity and all the press agents. and I'm not detracting in any way from the talent that you obviously have. How much do you attribute to Brian Epstein and his public relations men? and how many are there to your knowledge?"
 John: "We've never had more than one P.R. fella with us, ever."
 Paul: "It's a rumor about that."
 John: "and Brian's only got one for each artist he's got - so they have their own, you know, and they don't work together. and we've only ever had one. Most of the time we didn't have one till about six months ago."
 Paul: "But alot of the success is due to him."
 John: "Oh yes!"
 Q: "Jimmy, do you think that Brian Epstein is going to wave his magic wand at you sometime and include you as a fifth Beatle? Or a stand-in drummer for Ringo permanently?"
 Jimmy: "That I don't know."
 Q: "What happened with Frances Faye? You went to play the drums didn't you, Jim?"
 Jimmy: "No. I went down to, you know, enjoy myself."
 Q: "How did you get up on-stage? Did she call you up?"
 Jimmy: "Well, as soon as I walked through the door she was just finishing the latter part of her act. and she said 'The Beatles are coming!' because everyone turned 'round. and she invited me back to the dressing room..."
 John: (comically) "Oh!! You didn't tell us about THAT!!"
 Jimmy: "...where we had a drink, you know. and then the second show I did the whole lot."
 Q: "She gave you something in return, didn't she, Jim?"
 Beatles: (laugh)
 Jimmy: "She hasn't given me anything but she going to. She going to give me all her albums, and also she's having a sweater made for me."
 John: (comically) "Huh-huh-hoo!"
 Q: "Jimmy, having played with all these bands - what's it like being suddenly thrust in with The Beatles?"
 Jimmy: (laughs) "It's the 'end,' you know!"
 Q: "Do you have any trouble getting the same beat as Ringo?"
 Jimmy: "Well, I do my best."
 John: (comically) "Awwww!!"
 Q: "Have you ever been involved in any zany publicity stunts?"
 George: "No."
 John: "No, we've never had to, actually. Anything that's a bit zany usually happens..."
 Paul: "When we first started off, we were trying to think of 'em. We didn't have a manager or anything, so we were just sort of sitting around thinking of ones we - Uhh, one. We were gonna try and get one of us to jump in the Mersey and swim it."
 John and Paul: "But none of us could swim that far!"
 John: "I don't remember this stuff - he keeps saying it."
 Paul: "It's true, John, it's true!"
 John: (giggling) "I think you'd been on your own, there."
 Paul: (joking) "I remember I was five - I thought, 'I'll jump in and I'll swim the Mersey.' No one with me at the time. I'm a liar - I'm sorry!!"
 John: (laughs)
 Q: "What have been your most exciting moments in show business, individually - George?"
 George: "Uhh, I can't remember, there's so many! Ever since last September, you know, everything's been exciting. I think when we got to America and we found they'd gone potty. and when we got back to Britain last October, we'd been touring Sweden - and when this Beatlemania thing started, you know, we didn't hear about it because we'd been away. and we just landed in London - everybody was there smashing the place up!"
 George: "That was good."
 Q: "Fellas, you've had this potential talent some years ago, but in your wildest dreams did you ever anticipate that you would reach the state that you have reached now?"
 John and Paul: "No."
 John: "You know, nobody imagines anything like this."
 Q: "What about your act tonight at the Centennial Hall?"
 John: "Act?"
 Q: "Your concert. How long will it last tonight?"
 Paul: "Thirty minutes, each house."
 Q: "Are you constantly changing your act, or was it..."
 John: "We change it according to each, sort of - sometimes city or state or - depending on what record's the most popular we usually change the order. They've only got the same amount of records released in each place (in Australia) anyway."
 Q: "What about when you played the Royal Variety Performance last year for Her Majesty? Same act as always?"
 Paul: Yeah."
 John: "I think we had some jokes in that one because the people weren't screaming so they could hear what we were saying, you know. That's the only difference."
 Paul: "and it was shorter, as well."
 Q: "You were telling me, I think it was George on the plane coming down from Sydney, I asked 'Had you ever thought of playing in pantomime as a group, the Beatles?' But you did do a special show..."
 George: "Oh yeah. We didn't like the idea of doing a pantomime, so we did our own show - which was more or less like a Pop show but we kept appearing every few minutes, dressed-up - you know, for a laugh."
 John: "Nobody laughed, mind you. We were."
 Q: "Do you do comedy sketches on-stage at all in any touring shows in England?"
 George: "No. Only for our Christmas shows. and we've done a couple of sketches in TV shows."
 Q: "Are you ever troubled with the hoards of screaming fans outside the hotel room where you stay, for sleeping purposes? Can you sleep through all this sort of thing?"
 John: "They never stay there all night screaming. You know, I've never known it."
 Q: "Well, last night they were up till about midnight."
 John: (giggling) "Well, you know, I don't even dream of going to bed before one!"
 Q: "Are you ever scared of being hurt by some of the over-enthusiasm? Have you ever been hurt?"
 Paul: "That's why we're not scared, because we've never been hurt. Maybe if we had, we'd be a bit worried about it."
 Q: "In South Australia, not only teenagers go wild over you, but maybe you noticed today coming in from the airport that a heck of alot of adults... especially grandmas..."
 Paul: "Yeah."
 John: "They're great!"
 Q: "Is it the same in England?"
 John: "Well, I've never seen so many grandmas at once."
 Q: "You seem to be all very attentive. You can see what's going on. I noticed, behind you in the car, that you could sort of follow everything that was going on - people with different posters. You're really looking at the people, aren't you."
 Paul: "Yeah, sure!"
 John: "Yeah."
 Q: "You're very aware of everything around you."
 George: "Yeah."
 John: (giggling) "I think you've got to be, you know. You might get shot."
 Q: "How did Brian... Did he discover you all individually and put you together as a group?"
 John: "No. We'd already made 'My Bonnie,' and all those other rubbishy records for Polydor. and kids from the Cavern, 'round about Liverpool, were going into his record shop and saying 'Have you got My Bonnie by The Beatles?' So he got interested and he asked one of the kids who were we. He thought we were German. and he came 'round when we were playing at the Cavern."
 Q: "Alot of the kids in Liverpool, apparently, are a little disappointed that you haven't been back to the Cavern for so long to sing. Why is this?"
 John: "If we played at the Cavern every so often we'd never get to Australia and America or anywhere else. We've gotta make a choice, you know. and most of those people that are complaining weren't there when we were originally there anyway."
 Source: Audio recording of the press conference
 ┃ THE BEATLES INTERVIEW   ┃  DM's Beatles site
 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛by Dmitry Murashev
②|MBE Reactions, London, England |No.37
‡1965(昭和40)年06月12日(sat) June 12
 Following the annoncement that the Beatles would be awarded MBEs by the Queen of England in a royal ceremony later in the year, the Beatles discussed their reaction with British Calandar News, and ITV.
 British Calandar News Interview:
 Q: "Last month, seventy-five teenagers from Pennsylvania petitioned Her Majesty The Queen to have the Beatles knighted. This hasn't happened. But today, I'm pleased to say that they have been made members of the most honorable order of the British Empire. Congratulations, John, George, Ringo and Paul."
 Beatles: "Thanks."
 John: (loudly) "Thank you!"
 Q: "How did you all react to this?"
 John: "Well, I went..." (comical reaction of surprise)
 Q: "Which means, in sound?"
 John: "Whoopee."
 Q: "Well done. George?"
 George: "Well, I sort of went, 'Wow! That's great.'"
 Paul: "About the same."
 Q: "Ringo."
 Ringo: "Yes. I think we all felt pretty well the same."
 Q: "Now last year in America your records sold no less than ten million dollars worth. Do you think your export sales have something to do with this?"
 Paul: "Well, you know, somebody said it might have been that, but you never know. It COULD have been that, but it could have been... THAT."
 John: "It might have been the tour in Australia."
 George: (giggles)
 Q: "Now, do you think you'll go back to the commonwealth again? This was a sensational visit."
 Paul: "Yeah!"
 John: "Well, you know, we probably will. It's up to Mr. Epstein, our manager." (smiles comically into the camera)
 (Beatles giggle)
 Q: "What does this MBE mean to you all. How are you going to deck out to go to the palace? There's certain protocol to be observed. Are you going to dress up in morning dress?"
 John: "Yes, well, I think you've got to, haven't you."
 George: "Yeah. We'll have to."
 Q: "What about the haircut, Ringo?"
 Ringo: "We're not gonna get it all cut off, you know. Someone said we can carry the hats, so that will be easier."
 Paul: "I think Her Majesty will understand, you know."
 Q: "She may well do. From obscurity in a cellar in Liverpool four years ago and now to Buckingham Palace. Gentlemen, what do you think everybody on the other side of the Atlantic is going to say to this?"
 Paul: "Whoopee, I hope."
 Paul: "You never know. They might say Boo, or..."
 John: "They might say, uhh, 'Hello, cobber.'"
 Paul: (giggles) "Yeah."
 Ringo: "'Hello dair, boys."
 Paul: "Or, 'Howdy, Europe. Texas speaking.'"
 Q: "Now two of you have gotten married, and you all live in good domestic splendor. Has this affected your writing, Paul and John?"
 Paul: "No."
 John: "No, it's easier to write with cushions than on pieces of hard bench..."
 John: "Remember, we were on hard benches before we made it, in an unknown cellar in Liverpool. and it's much easier... on a nice cushion."
 Q: "What are your plans for tours for this year and next year?"
 Paul: "We're going to Europe."
 George: "Next week."
 Ringo: "Next Sunday."
 Paul: "and then we come back, and then we go off to America."
 Ringo: "For two and a half weeks."
 Paul: "and we do the telly."
 Ringo: "Oh! We do Ed Sullivan. Good old Ed."
 Paul: "Ed Sullivan. Hi, Ed. (pointing into the camera) Look, he's watching - He's watching in this one. Look! There he is! Alright, Ed."
 Paul: "There's Mrs. Ed!"
 Ringo: (looking into the camera) "and MISTER Ed!!"
 (Beatles laugh)
 Q: "Have you checked whether you'll be able to wear your MBE's on any of these other foreign television programs?"
 John: "Well, I suppose once they've given them to us, we can wear 'em."
 Paul: "Look a bit funny, though, going 'round with medals hanging off, wouldn't you?"
 John: "Well, we could wear them on stage."
 Q: "Anyway, it hasn't changed your life to any great extent?"
 John: "No. We're just honored. That's all."
 Q: "Well Beatles... and we're all delighted. Congratulations again to the four of you."
 ITV Interview:
 Q: "Gentlemen, first of all, many congratulations on your MBE. The whole country seems very delighted indeed, but how do you feel about it, Paul?"
 Paul: "Delighted indeed. You know, I'm glad everyone is delighted. I love it."
 Q: But I mean, is it fun for you?"
 Paul: "Yeah, of course. I mean, you know. It'd be fun for you, wouldn't it, if you woke up one morning and they said, 'Muh Buh Ehh.'"
 Q: "Ringo, how did you first hear about it?"
 Ringo: "Well, we heard about it six weeks ago when we got the forms to fill in. and then we knew that we were gonna get it two days ago, officially."
 Q: "How did these forms come? Straight through the post, or in the fan mail, or what?"
 Ringo: "Just in brown envelopes. They were delivered by somebody, you know, by hand. I think one of Brian's secretaries..."
 George: (interrupting Ringo) "I'll tell you! They were sent from the prime minister at Downing Street to our manager's office, and they were delivered from there to Twickenham, where we were filming. and then..."
 John: "...filming 'Help!' our new film."
 George: "About a day later we just found them, and we thought we were being called up for the army. and then we opened them, and we found out we weren't."
 John: (to George) "We already said that line."
 George: "I know, but this is ITV. That was the other one."
 John: "Oh... yeah... ahh... I see."
 Q: "Why is the MBE awarded, though?"
 Paul: "I don't know."
 Ringo: "No idea."
 Paul: "In fact, I know nothing about it.. just that we've got it and it's nice to have. and it doesn't make you more respectable or anything, I don't think. Maybe other people think it does. It doesn't make me any more respectable, I'm STILL a scruff."
 Q: "Well, I was wondering about that. Ringo, how do you feel about going to the palace in morning suit and all that?"
 Ringo: "I don't mind, you know. It's alright. When I buy one."
 Q: "You haven't got one?"
 Ringo: "No, not yet. I've got an evening suit, if that will do."
 Q: "I don't think it will."
 Ringo: "Well, I'll just go in my pajamas then."
 Source: Audio and video copies of the original interviews





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