

Why Choose Node JS Web Development Services?

2019-08-19 15:26:13 | Web development
Big organizations like NASA, Uber, Netflix, LinkedIn, Walmart, PayPal, Medium, and eBay are already utilizing the benefits offered by the Node JS development framework. Node JS web development services are extremely helpful to build real-time and data-friendly applications that work in different environments. No wonder why developers are preferring this framework over other available web application development frameworks in the market. 

Let’s check out some of the steller benefits that you can avail using Node.js development. 

The Fast Suite

Node.js runs on the V8 engine, which is developed by Google. This engine uses JavaScript into native machine code and thus, operates at a noticeable high speed. Also, Node JS uses a single thread which helps to avert all the troubles associated with forming separate threads.

With this suite, web application actions like writing or reading to the database, file system or network connections can be performed real quick. Moreover, creating robust network applications that tackle parallel connections with increased throughput becomes notably smoother.

It Goes Well With Data Streaming 
Usually, HTTP requests and responses are considered as two separate events in web platforms. However, in reality, they are data streams. 

You can utilize this feature to the fullest with Node JS while creating some of the best attributes such as processing files at the time of uploading. When data comes in the form of streams, it reduces the overall processing duration. The same can also be deployed at the time of real-time audio or video recording.
It Solves All Database Queries

While uniting the NoSQL databases and Node JS, there is no need for the developers to modulate the syntax differences. Node.js aces with real-time web applications. How? Well, the JSON stored data format allows it to run without any issues in data mismatches and conversion. 

Presence In Everywhere

Be it the server or browser, the codes written on Node JS, run similarly. Also, it is flexible in usage. If any organization needs to shift the logic for the browser to the server, with Node JS code migration, things become easier. This is another major reason behind the craze to hire Node JS developer.

Dynamic NPM 

Being an open-source technology, Node JS gives an edge with a shared repository of dynamic modules and tools. In the NPM (Node Package Manager) over 60,000 modules are present. Using these modules, you can make the dependency management perfect. With the growing popularity of Node JS framework, this community is also getting stronger with each passing day. 
It Makes Code Writing Easier
With this framework, Node JS developers can write JavaScript for both the client and the server. Thus, transporting data between the client and the server becomes smoother. A web application framework Meteor was created via Node JS development and supports the same codebase for the server and the client. 
Any data change made in the server instantly appears in the client and the web page that shows this data automatically makes the updates. Node JS serves all the development process needs and renders fast scalable network applications.
This Framework Handles Sync Issues Efficiently
Node.js can efficiently manage asynchronous I/O from the root. It is competent enough to solve the common network and web development issues. Well, apart from the fast JavaScript performance, the Event Loop is the heart of Node JS. All meticulous tasks in Node JS are taken on together to handle numerous clients.
Increased Productivity
Type safety is extremely useful for increasing productivity. Even before saving what you’ve done, the compiler will show the list of the faults you’ve made. All the programs written on Node JS are crafted using JavaScript. By getting rid of the inter-silo dependencies, organizations can combine the backend and the frontend teams into one unit for smooth functioning. 
In Charge With Proxy Server

This web development framework comes to rescue to proxy different services with different response times. For instance, suppose there is a server-side application, which gathers data from different sources, saves images or videos, and deals with third-party resources. Now, Node JS becomes helpful as Proxy if the organization needs local development or lacks the infrastructure.

To make your next project development easier and smoother and to avail the above-mentioned benefits of Node JS, get in touch with a professional Node JS development company like us. We not only have a dedicated team of skilled Node.js developers but also have years of working experience on web development technology

5 Compelling Reasons To Hire A Professional Web Development Company

2019-08-06 20:26:28 | 日記

It is obvious that today any business needs an online presence, and by online presence, we mean a website. The matter of web development is something very crucial for the success of the business, whether it is a start-up or an enterprise. So as you can see, hiring for the web development of your website is something incredibly important for the success of the website. 

Now, when it comes to hiring help for web development projects, many feel torn between going for a freelancer web developer and a professional web development agency. A lot of people end up choosing a freelancer because it is a more affordable option. While there is nothing wrong with the choice, it still comes with its own downsides.

To make your website more professional, you need to choose the second option, which is choosing a professional web development agency. And as for why you should choose a professional web development agency, don’t worry, we are going to tell you. Below we have listed five reasons why you should choose to go with a professional web developer for your web site development needs. 

Custom Design

Why is custom design important for your website? 

Because your website needs to suit your business requirement. And that is why the design of your website needs to be custom instead of based on a basic template. All the design and function should be optimized to match the image of your business and the service you will be providing your clients. And that is why custom design is important for your website. 

Besides the budget, the only roadblock towards achieving the perfect custom design for your website is going to be the developer you hire to develop your website. And this is the first reason you should choose to go with professional web developers. Their experience of working with different kinds of projects are going to help them to understand the specific requirement your website needs to be fulfilled and they will develop the website in the best possible way to generate more clients and more revenues.

Visual Aspects Of The Website

While custom web development might be the most important part of your web development project, the visual aspect of the design is going to be a close second. How your website is going to look, the graphics, navigations, colors and images, all these visual aspects will be another important part of making your website successful. 

And there you have your second reason for hiring a professional web development company. When you are hiring individuals, like freelancers, you might have to get two different people for the design and development of your website. Even if you get one person who can do both, it can turn out to be really complicated since they won’t be able to focus on one thing. But with a professional web development agency, you get dedicated designers along with developers and both important aspects of your website are looked after well by dedicated and expert employees. 

Use Of Latest Technology

The technological aspect of web development is changing daily. Every day there is some new technology or framework for convenient web development projects. When it comes to hiring developers for your web development project, you must hire web developer team who use the latest technology to develop websites. 

With a professional web development company, you won’t only be getting access to all the latest technology for your website development, but you will also get consultation about which framework you should go with based on your budget. With a freelancer, you won’t get this advantage. And that is why when you have a web developer requirement, you should choose a professional web development company nyc. 

SEO Elements Of The Page

Making a website is not all, it needs to rank on the search engine results page. And to rank, it needs search engine optimization or SEO. in order to make your website visible on the search results page, the website needs to follow Google guidelines.

The best way to get complete SEO will be with a professional web development company. They can provide you with all the important features to make the site search engine friendly, like responsive design, easy navigation, proper font and image placements, etc. 

Even though the professional web developers and designers will take care of the most general SEO, you will still need an SEO professional to leverage the complete benefits of SEO. with the perfect optimization, you will be able to get back a good amount of ROI on your web development and web design project.

Webmaster Services

A website development might seem like a one time task. But in reality, you are never done developing your website. your site needs to be updated regularly due to continuous changes in technology. Also additionally, your website has a lot of internal things that need to be checked on a regular basis to make sure that the website runs well. 

And that is why you need to hire a professional web development agency who can help you with the webmaster services, to keep your website in check and updated with the latest changes. With the right webmaster services, you will be able to stay on top of all problems with your website. The advantage of hiring a professional web development company is obviously the support you will receive even after web development is done. 

There are many factors at work when you make your decisions on choosing between an individual freelancer and a custom web development company. But when you are making that decision remember that the success of your website depends on the development team. When you hire professional custom website development services, you will ensure that your web development goes smoothly without any hitches.