55kg German Shepherd - Always loyal to the owner Part 3 | #Shorts [parts : eNozsjJkhIPUZENDA6NkM4 + U8sw0S / d8VwMTJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAAC3wiW]
55 kg German Shepherd - Always loyal to the owner Part 3 | #Shorts
Breed: German Shepherd K9
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years old
Weight: 55kg
Shorts,German Shepherd,Dog Protecting Owner,Cute Dog,Cute Puppy

55kg German Shepherd - Always loyal to the owner Part 3 | #Shorts
#Shorts #GermanShepherd #DogProtectingOwner Name : SPIKEY Breed : Germa ...
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