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Gifu / English Conversation in Movies

2020-10-05 06:21:21 | 日記

English Conversation in Movies ( 映画で英語)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer:Mr.Shuichi Ito:( After you ): This way./ This way please./ Follow me./ Watch it./ Watch your steps./ Be careful./Have an eye./ Come over here./ I am coming./ Take a seat./ Please sit down./ Don't move./ Freeze./Hold it right there./ ( Excuse me): Pardon./ Pardon me./ I beg your pardon./ Sorry./ ( Let ): Let it go./ Let it be./ Let me go./Let me know if you don't mind./ Let me see./ Let me try./ Let me think./ Let me do it./ Let me put it this way./Date:2020.10.5/

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Gifu / English Lesson

2020-10-05 06:11:06 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer:Ms.Mieko Onogi: Simple English: ( On ): A man is on the ceiling./ I turned on the air-conditioner./Cindy tried the skirt on./The security guard is on duty./ Our project is on schedule./ Jim went on singing until 4 am./My grandmother lives on her pension./ The noise gets on my nerves./ Do you still depend on your parents ? / Date:2020.10.5./

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Today's Saying

2020-10-05 06:07:19 | 日記

The devil is not so black as he is painted.

( 悪魔を絵に描くとき真っ黒描くことから。)

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Gifu / English Lesson

2020-10-05 05:40:16 | 日記

English Lesson (英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer: Ms.Fumiko Shichi: Basic Phrese:Are you leaving already ? / A glass of red wine,Please./All that for nothing./I'm thirsty./Come on ! / Have a more gusts ! / Back off ! / I'd like to reconfirm my flight./ I'm here on vacation./Could you show me how to use this ? /Give me a big helping./ That's too high./I'm still sleepy./Put that a way./I'll take three of these./You've got me./It's too small for me./ You are funny./Tha't waste./How about a drink ? / Don't play hard to get./What's the difference between a director and a producer ? /Got it togeter Shingo./What you need is a little more effort./It can't be helped./ Date:2020.10.5./

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