A liar is not believed when he tells the truth.
( ウソつきはほんとのことを言っても信じられない。)
A liar is not believed when he tells the truth.
( ウソつきはほんとのことを言っても信じられない。)
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lecturer:Mrz:Fumiko Shici:Basic Phrese:I'm getting excited./Where is the informetion center ? /Could I have a map ?/ How can I get to the museum ? / How far is it ? /Would you please write it down ? / Is the museum open today ? /What are the opening hours ? /Where can I a cab ? /Is this the right train for berleley ? /Two adults and one child,Please./I'd like to apply for this one-day cruise./ Can you tell me where the restroom is ?/Where is the way out ? / Will you please my picture ?/A medium-sized car would be good./What is the charge for three days?/Date:2020.10.16./