The plainer the woman,the fiercer the love.
( 女性は醜いほど愛情が激しい。)
The plainer the woman,the fiercer the love.
( 女性は醜いほど愛情が激しい。)
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan . / Mrs.Fumiko Shichi ( Basic Phrese )~ Conversation ~/ I want to make a reservation far May 30 on PAA Flight 303./I'd like to change my reservation./ Can you check and see if my seat on JAL Flight 12 is confirment ? /Where is the tourist information office ? / Do you have a sightseeing brochure for this town ? / Do you have a free city map? / I'd like a bus route map./Please transfer me to Flight 12 on KLM./ I'd like to go through S.T to Hawaii./ Can you tell me if JAL.Flight 12 is leaving./How long will it be delayed ? /I want to go economy class./Date:2020.12.2?