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Gifu / Shopping

2021-01-13 13:24:48 | 日記

Shopping " Valor Nagara Super Market " ( バロー長良店)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Place:located to the north of Mount Kinka./A kind of things: Foods./ How many number: One bread. one set Croquette./Price:Bread ( 98yen ) Croquette ( 174yen)/ How to payment :Card./Visit Date:2021.1.13.11:00am~/





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Gifu / Shopping

2021-01-13 13:13:46 | 日記

Shopping " Softbank Valor Nagara Shop " ( ソフトバンクバロー長良店)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Place: In Valor nagara Super Market./Kind of things : How to use my home's Wifi and Pass word check./ How many number: 20minuts.Not ajust. Nxt day meeting./ Price:Free./ VIsit Date:2021.1.13.10:10am~11:00am./




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Gifu / English Conversation in Movie

2021-01-13 08:43:48 | 日記

English Conversation in Movie ( 映画で英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lecture.Mrs.Shuichi Ito ( Anna and snow's Queen) ~ Frezon ~/ ~ What does it mean by Pangram ? / Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog./ " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is an English-language pangram-a phrase that contains all of the letters of the alphabet. It is commonly used for touch-typing practice.It is also used to test typewriters and computer keyboards, show fonts,and other applications involving all of the letter in the English alphabet./Date:2021.1.13./

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Gifu / English Lesson

2021-01-13 08:33:07 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English ) ~Ask ~/ May I ask a few quetion ? / Eric,a young boy,always asks me many quetion./ The New Zealander asked me the way to the bank./ My morther asked me why I don't married./ I asked my boss for a day off./ I asked secretary to photocopy the documents./ He asked me to go the movie./ My parents asked me to work for a big company./ May I ask how much money you made last year ? / Date:2021.1.13./

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Today's Saying

2021-01-13 08:30:43 | ことわざ

Even a worm will turn.

( 虫けらさえも向き直ってくる。)

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