English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer,Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English ) ~ Make ~ / What mede you come to Japan? / Shall I make a sandwich ? / I want to make many foreign friends./ My company made a lot of profit last year./ Cindy will make a good mother./ Make yourself at home./ His death made us cry./ My second son often makes me angry./ Martin always makes us laugh./Ms.Green often makes me laugh./The letter made me sad./ The book made Susie a famous person./ Do you want to make a lot of foreign friends ? / Date:2021.2.16./
The shepherd even when he becomes a gentleman smells of the lamb.
( 羊飼いは紳士になっても羊のにおいがする。)
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer,Mrs.Fumiko Shichi ( Basic Phrase )/ How about Asakusa ? / I'm glad you had fun./ Guess what ? / Watch your step./ It's a Tokyo specialty./ It slipped my mind./ You're a quick learner./ That's so nice of you./I am on vacation./ I work for a travel agency./ Where are you staying tonight ? /Would you like another one ? / Date:2021.2.16./