English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English ) / What do you like to do in your time ? /Do you know how to ride a motorbike ? /Do you wear contact lenses ? / Can you keep up with the pace of modern life ? / Have you ever made a speech in front of more than 100 people ? /~Irregular Veabs ~ / be was were been / beat beat beaten /become bacame become./ bite bit bitten / bring brought brought/Date:2021.8.19./
The Mountains have brought forth a mouse.
( 山々がネズミ一匹生んだ)~大山騒動してネズミ一匹~
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi /~Book and check in ~/ I'll take the room./ May I have your name,Please ? / My name is Camus./ Could you spell out your name,Please ? / What time would you like to check in ? / I'll be there around 4 o'lock./My name is Camus. I made a reservation in Japan./ Please fill out this registration card./ I'd like a quite room./ May I see to room,Please ?/Date:2021.8.19./
English Conversation for Grown-Ups Lesson ( 大人の英会話教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Date and Time:2021.8.18.13:30pm~15:00pm./Place:Miyako Central Health Center./ Lectuer:Mr.Shuichi Ito./Contain:Home work Theme [ there it goes ]:Students will announce it:Theacher:Comment:My made sentence:I went to the Kamikoch at Augast 8th and 9th with my girl friend. We walked from Taisho Pond to Kappa bridge.She walked to tired at one hour.I said 'I'll go to the Myoujin Pond at two hour."I said her " You are stying in Gosenjaku Hotel.She said me "there it goes !"I went to Myouujin Pond at two hours.~Kamikochi Story end~/Contai:What is mean " Serendipity"By "The three princes of Serendip."/Contain: Master of Tongue twister phrase[ How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood ?][ She sells sea shells by the seashore]/Contant:Homework theme [ There,she goes again] Answer Example.[ In the dining room,there was a boy who is little and cute aged around three or four......./Contwnt: Think answer: 1, What do you want to do ? 2. Where do you want to go ? 3. Who do you want to go with? 4.When do you want to wake up? 5. How do you want to cook this fish ? 6.Why do you want to go abroad ? 7.Which do you want to buy,this one,or that one ?/Contain:Homework [ Go ] [ How much ] { Lazy dog ]/Cotain:[Roma Holiday]/Naxt day:2021.9.15./
Restaurant " Gyouzano-Oosho Senjidou Shop " ( 餃子の王将千手堂店)in Gifu City ,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ The Gyouzano-Oosho Senjidou Shop is located to the north of JR Gifu Railway Station./ Cusine Name:Chinese meals/ Service:Common./ Taste:Gyouza.Good./ Price:ForThree peoples.( 726yen)/Atomosphere:Common./Value:★★/Date:2021.8.18.12:10am~12:50am./