English Conversation for Grown-Ups ( 大人の英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( ~ Roman holiday Section 3 ~ ) / Oh.Gimme a little slack,will ya ? Pront? Inving ! why won't you answer the phone ? Look,this is Joe. can you get over here in about five minutes ? Oh no,I can't come now. I'm busy. Oh no-I'm up to ears in work. Go on,get into your next outfit,will you,Honey ? the canoe. What kind of a scoop,Joe ? Look,Irving,I can't talk over the telephone;one word in the wrong quarter and this whole thing might bloe sky -high./ Date:2022.2.24./
English Conversation Lesson ( 英会話教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito / ~ Matter ~ / No matter how much money you have,you can not by her love. / No matter where you go ,i go with ypou./ It doesn't matter. Black lives matter. ( BLM)./ I will do it no matter what you say./ Date:2022.2.24./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English ) / ~ Have ~ / She had some pizza and some beer last night. / George has a cold now. / Nancy has had eyesight. / My mother will have an operation. / John had a few job interviews last week. / Do you have a rainy season in Japan ? / Does Japan have a rainy season ? / Date:2022.2.24./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi / I'm awfully sorry,ma'am,to have kept you waithing. /I'm sorry,but my husband is still alive. / I'm sorry,but hook up the back of my dress. / Go! / Go ahead ! / Go on ! / Go and get ready / Go for broke. / Go jump in the lake. / One,two,three,Go! / Just go and help your father in the kitchen. / Go on with your story. / Be quiet ! / Date:2022.2.24./