The danger past and God forgotten.
( 危険が過ぎ去ると神を忘れる)~苦し時の神頼み~
The danger past and God forgotten.
( 危険が過ぎ去ると神を忘れる)~苦し時の神頼み~
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi / You were cuter in those days, weren't you ? / You were a bar-maid then,wore't you ? / You were on a honey moon then ,weren't you ? / You were on strike just then,weren't you ? / When were you born ? / When is it ? / When did you arrive at Tokyo ? / When did you get married ? / When did you see the last of her ? / When did you come to know her ? / When was it that he did ? / Date:2022.3.15./