English Conversation in Movies ( 映画で英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Syuichi Ito / ~Image of work~/ Well done. / Good job. / I need a break / Back to work again. / I'm going to quite my job. / I'm serious./ It's pay day. / Let's have drink party! / I'll take a day off to morrow./ Date:2022.10.13./
English Conversation Lesson ( 2 ) in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~ Home work ~ / Man a ; " What day of the week is it today ? Man b: " Idon't know" Man a : " You have a newspaper in your hand .?" Man b: " This doesn't help. because this is yesterday's ."/ Date:2022.10.13./
English Conversation Lesson ( 英会話教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~ Time~Day~/ once a week / once a month / once a year ./ annually/at once / immediately / I will come right away / Wait and see. / Let's wait and see what happens./ Date:2022.10.13./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi / ~ With~/ I talked with a French man with a big nose./ Recently Sue is very busy with her grandchildren./ I work with police./ Can you keep up with the pace of modern technology? / Date:2022.10.13./