Bank " Mitsuisumitomo Gifu Branch ( 三井住友岐阜支店)/ Purpose: Withdrawel money by ATM/ Date:2023.
Bank " Mitsuisumitomo Gifu Branch ( 三井住友岐阜支店)/ Purpose: Withdrawel money by ATM/ Date:2023.
English Conversation in Movies ( 映画で英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~ Images of morning~/ I hope it's sunny./ It's a beautiful day./ Oh,no.It's raining again./ It's cold this morning./ It's still dark out / Date:2023.1.10./
English Conversation ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Excellent~/ She is an excellent student./ This wine is excellent./ ~Cool~/ He's such a cool teacher./ It is so Cool / Date:2023.1.10./
English Conveasation ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito /~others~/ look after / millions of / Most of / more than / next to/ out of / to tell a truth / plenty of / look forward to/ May I have your attention please./ Date:2023.1.10./
English Lesson (英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi / ~ Turn ~ / Now turn the pancake over./ The plane turned its course to the east./ Go straight and turn left at the third traffic light./ Turn to Channel 12,Please./ Date:2023.1.10./