Bank " 16 Bank Yanagase Branch " (十六銀行柳瀬支店)/ Purpose: Banker explain to me the Point Card . How to offer to pointcard / Date:2023.3.1.10:10am~10:15am./
Bank " 16 Bank Yanagase Branch " (十六銀行柳瀬支店)/ Purpose: Banker explain to me the Point Card . How to offer to pointcard / Date:2023.3.1.10:10am~10:15am./
English Conversation ( 3 ) ( 英会話)/Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Basic Phrases~/ I hate standing in a long line./ Why are you standing in a long line ? / I hate snakes and spiders./ Have you ever been to the zoo or botanical garden ? / I have to go home now./ It's late at night. My pet will be waithing for food./ Date:2023.3.1./
English Conversation ( 2 ) ( 英会話)/Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Extraordinary~/ The program provides extraordinary performance opportunities in the shows and events./ Date:2023.3.1./
English Conversation ( 1 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~ Who ~/Who is this ? / Who are you ? / Who said so ? / Who said that ? / Who's going first ? / Who goes first ? / Who wants to bet money? / Who is coming with me ? / Date:2023.3.1./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi /~Lifestyle~/ How often do you eat out with your family or friends? / Very often. I eat out two or three times a week./ Are you on a diet? / Yes,I am. I've been gaining a lot of weight these days./ Date:2023.3.1/