English Conversation ( 3 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Images of Night ~/door bell / doorknob / light / answering mahine./ bath / bathtub / shampoo/ conditioner / muscle skin./ Date:2023.4.16./
English Conversation ( 2 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Superb~/ You made a superb comment./ It's a superb view./ The view from top of the mountain was a superb view./ Date:2023.4.16./
English Conversation ( 1 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Oops~/Absolutely / Precisely /Brilliant / Awesome / Certainly/ WOW / Fabulous / Disgusting / Great/ Unbelievable / Exactly / Excellent / Belive me / Not a big deal/ It's a deal./ Date:2023.4.16./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi / ~Have ~/He always has breakfast at eight./ She had some pizz and some beer last night./ George has a cold now./ Nacy has bad eyesight./ Date:2023.4.16./
Money is a great traveler in the world.
( 金は世界の大旅行者である)~金は天下の周り物~