English Conversation ( 2 ) ( 英会話)/Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito /~Good ~/ He is a good soccer player./ You gave a good presentation./ It was a good performance./ It is a good quality./ Oh,my goodness./ Oh,Gosh./ Date:2023.5.10./
English Conversation ( 1 ) ( 英会話)/Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito /~ Others~/ If possible/ If it's possible./ Snooze doze nap/ Sneeze/ Fall in love/ Incidentally ./Next time / As the result / On the other hand / Otherwise / Soon or later/ At first / At last / At least/ therefore/ Date:2023.5.10./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi/~Wear~/ You shouldn't wear a hat when you greet someone./ Don't you know that Tom wears a wig?/Do you wear contact lenses? / Do you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses? / Date:2023.5.10./
Though they are brothers their pokets are not sisters.
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi /~Alcoholic Drink ~/ burbon / cognac /local beer / stout / rum/ vodka . /tequila /on the roks/ whiskey and water/ bacardi/ blue hawaii/bloody mary/ manhattan/ gin and tonic/ Date:2023.5.10./