Learn a trade,for the time will come when you shall meet it.
( 技を覚えよ、それを必要とするときがくるから)~芸は身を助く~
Learn a trade,for the time will come when you shall meet it.
( 技を覚えよ、それを必要とするときがくるから)~芸は身を助く~
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi / ~ Drive in a retal ~/What type would you like ? / Compact car for a week,Please./Where's the rent a car counter ? / Where's the bus for Hertz ? / I have a reservation./ Automatic transmission,Please./ How much perday ? /For 5 days,Please./With comprehensive insurance,Please./ Drop-off-charge / Premium./ big car./ air conditioner./ opposite/ crossing . /sign./Date:2023.5.31./