An ass is but an ass,though laden with.
( 黄金を背負ったとしてもロバはロバにすぎない)~猿に鳥帽子~
An ass is but an ass,though laden with.
( 黄金を背負ったとしてもロバはロバにすぎない)~猿に鳥帽子~
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs,Fumiko Shichi / ~If you get sick~/Send for a docter please./ What's your room number? / This is room 1106./ I'm sick./ How long must I wait ? / Hurry up,Please./ Where's the nearrest hospital ? / Take me to the hospital.Please./Call an ambulance,Please./ Ohysician./ Sorgeon./ Dentaist/ Octlist / Toothache./ Sore thoat./ Cough./Date:2023.6.26./