English Conversation ( 2 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~images of night~/I take care of my skin./I set the alarm clock for six o'clock./I go to bed./I fall asleep./I snore/ Nobody's home yet/Date:2024.5.27./
English Conversation ( 1 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Others~/Old saying / Proverb/ In Rome,do as the Romans do./ Seeing is believing/ A rolling stone gathers no moss./ good for you./ You look pale./ Ice pail/Date:2024.5.27./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi / ~Words~/advance-retrest / bress-curse/attact-repel/rejoice -grieve/ majoy -minor/ simple-complicated/ huge-tiny/ sharp-dull/ concreat-abstract/ Date:2024.5.27./
The mountain have brought forth a mouse.
( 山々が一匹のネズミを動かした)~大山鳴動かしてねずみ一匹~
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi / happen to~/You didn't happen to be around the corner of 12 th and G about 8:30 tonight,did you ? / It used to belong to my grand father./used to~/ I usued to.I still do every now and then just to keep my hand in/Date:2024.5.27.