English Conversation (1):Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito /~leave~/I left my cell phone at home./ I drop out the school, I leave./ a lot of left over in the table./ Don't leave your shings half done./ Don't leave your desk messy./I have to leave now./Date:2025.1.12./
English Lesson ( 2 ):Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi/~on~/The security guard is on duty./ Our project is on schedule./ Jim went on singing until 4am./My grandmother live on her pension./Date:2025.1.12./
English Lesson ( 1 ):Mrs.Fumiko Shichi /~Liqueur~/rose wine /whisky /whisky and water/ straight /cocktail /champagne /.vermouth /sherry/Date:2025.1.12./