English Conversation (1):Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito /~That ~/ That's not true./ That's a question / That will make it./ That will do./ That will do it./ That's enough./ That's weird./ I am sick of hearing that./ I am suprised you said that./ I am mad you don't take that offer./Date:2025.1.20./
When the belly is full the bones would be at rest.
( 腹いつぱいになると体が休まる)
English Lesson ( 2 ):Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi /~Take~/I took a tax to the station because it started raining./Look! The airplane is taking off./take off/ Take off your hat.Please/Date:2025.1.20./
English Lesson ( 1 ):Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi /~Food~/caramel /cookies /sweets /cakes /fancy cake /jelly / chocholate /chewing gum / candies /pastry/Date:2025.1.20./