English Conversation (1):Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Do you mind ?~/ Do you mind setting up a meeting for me? / Would you mind if I ask you to open the window? / I don't./ Never mind./ Forget it./ Don't mind./Date:2025.1.26./
A good meal,a bad meal,and a midding meal preserves a man in health.
( 朝はたっぷり、昼はちょっぴり、晩は中ぐらいに食べると無病息災)
English Lesson ( 2 ):Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi /~wear~/You shouldn't wear a hat when you great someone./ Don't you know that Tom wears a wing ? /Do you wear contact lenses? / Do you wear eyeglasses of contact lenses? / Date:2025.1.26./
English Lesson( 1 ):Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi / ~Tour~/Do you have any sightseeing bus ? / When and Where can I get it ? /Can I make a reservation here? / Please find me a Japanese speaking guide? /Date:2025.1.26./