English Conversation (1):Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito /~Oops~/Oops,I did it agin./ Ouch./ Ow / Yuck / Yeah / Itchy . /DateIt's painful / It hurts / I have stomachache./ That tickles / It's ticklish / It tastes very good./date :2025.2.7./
English Lesson ( 2 ):Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi /~Make~/ His death made us cry./ My second so often makes me angry./Martiin always makes us laugh./Date:2025.2.7./
English Lesson ( 1 ):Lectuer.Mrs,Fumiko Shichi /~ Shopping~/What material is this ? / It's too expensive show me a cheaper one.Please./I'll take this one ( these )./ How much in all? /Date:2025.2.7./