English Conversation in Movies ( 映画で英語)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi ito:( Anna and snow's queen):Conceal ! Don't feel Don't let them know. I know it all ends tomorrow. So it has to be today. Cause for the first time in forever. For the first time in forever. Nothing's in my way.I'm sorry. Are you hurt ? I-ya no. No,I'm okay. -Are you sure ? Yeah I just wasn't looking where I was going. But I'm great actually.-Oh thank goodness. Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. Princess Anna of Arendelle.-Princess...? My Lady. Hi...again. Oh boy. Ha. This is awakward. No you're awakward.but just because we're ...I'm awakward. You're gorgeous. Wait what ? I'd like to formally apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse and for every moment after.No. No-no.It's fine. I'm not that Princess./Date:2020.10.31./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi:( Simple English ) ~ Your personality~/Do you think that you have a sence of humor ? I think so. What do you think ? / Do you have a big dream ? I used to have a big dreams. But now my dream is getting married and settling down./Do you like children ? I love children. My job is teaching English to children./Do you like to try new things ? Yes,I do. I especially like to try new food dishes./Do you get angry easily ? Maybe. Smometimes. I'm too nervous. I know this is bad./Do you often lose things ? Yes.Ido. I'm careless. That's why I started practicing yogs. / Do you like to keep your room clean and neat ? No really,but my wife does./Date:2020.10.31./
If there were no receivers,there would be no thieves.
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.fumiko Shichi;( Basic Phrese );Please.wait a moment for me here./Go Straitght on,Please./Where is the nearrest bus stop ? /Does this bus go to Fifth Avenue ? / For Green park ? /Where do I get off to go to the museum./Which bus goes to the zoo ? / How long will it take ? /Do I have to change ? / Where is the looking office ? /Round trip tiket./One-way ticket./adults./ children./One for Chicago,Please./Two first-class round trip tikets ,Please./I want to reserve a seat on this trin./Can I stop over the way ? /What track does the train for Milano start from ? / What time does it leave ? /Do I have to change trins ? /Where do I have to change ? / Is this seat free ? / Can I transfer to a first,class coach ?/Date:2020.10.31./
Shopping Store " Uniquro " ( ユニクロ)in Gifu City,Gifu prefecture,Japan./The Shpping Center " Uniqulo " is located to the west of the Gifu Kita Plice Office./What kind of things: Three pants/ Price: tree pants ( 3000yen)special price ( before 3800yen one pants )/Date and Time:2020.10.30.15:30~16::0pm./