English Conversation ( 1 ) ( 英会話)/Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito/~Others~/ What time is it now? /You are welcome/Don't touch my mustache./I used to do sth./He is worn out./Hectic./It's complicted./I still like this one better./Date:2024.5.31./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi /~Prefix~/kind-unkind/able-unable/ certain-uncertain/ fair-unfair/ official-unofficial/er-uncover/belief-disbelief/ honest-dishonest/able-disable/honor-dishonor/ order-disorder/agree-disagree/direct-indirect/active-inactive/possible-impossible/ability-inability/Date:2024.5.31./
It is a foul bird that fouls its own nest.
( 巣を汚す鳥は愚かである)~立つ鳥跡を濁さず~
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi / President Clinton is something of a friend of mine./Their art from is facing something of a crisis./How come you're so busy all the time? / How come? / all the time./ Brown sugar,How come you taste so good?/Have you got any idea where you are going? / Have you got any aidea? / Have you any idea? / Have you any idea who killed your father virtually? / We'd like you to move to the ABC plant/ Date:2024.5.31./
Restaurant " Hotel Grand Vert Gizan " ( ホテルグラドベール岐山)/ Cusine name:Italian meals/ Service:Good./ Taste:Lunch Set.good/ Atomosphere:Haigh Gred/Value:★★★/Date:2024.5.26Th/