JP Tattoo Art

Custom Tattoo / Chinese Calligraphy / Painting

海納百川,有容乃大 ;壁立千仞,無欲則剛 - Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo

2022-05-28 | Tattoo タトゥー

" 海納百川,有容乃大

     壁立千仞,無欲則剛 "



海納百川,有容乃大 ;壁立千仞,無欲則剛 - Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art

' 海納百川,有容乃大 '

The vast ocean accepts hundreds of rivers emptying into it ;

people with a broad mind can achieve greatness.


' 壁立千仞,無欲則剛 '

Thousands of cliffs stand tall and lofty ;

people with no covetous desires stand firm and upright.


(A couplet composed by Lin Zexu)