JP Tattoo Art

Custom Tattoo / Chinese Calligraphy / Painting

The balance of calm and tsunami - Chinese painting style

2022-05-11 | Tattoo タトゥー

The balance of calm and tsunami

- Chinese painting style -



The balance of calm and tsunami - Chinese painting style by Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art

The balance of calm and tsunami - Chinese painting style

2022-05-10 | Tattoo タトゥー

The balance of calm and tsunami

- Chinese painting style -



The balance of calm and tsunami - Chinese painting style by Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art

Memory of the statue - Black and Grey Tattoo

2022-05-09 | Tattoo タトゥー

Memory of the statue



Memory of the statue - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art

忍 - Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo

2022-05-08 | Tattoo タトゥー

" 忍 "



忍 - Chinese Calligraphy - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art

忍 - Chinese Calligraphy - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art


勝不驕 - Chinese Calligraphy Tattoo Art

2022-05-07 | Calligraphy 書道

" 勝不驕 "



勝不驕 No arrogance in victory - Chinese Calligraphy - Joey Pang - JP Tattoo Art

No arrogance in victory '