What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

We hurried to the Kairyuōji Temple!

2020-07-22 18:06:06 | 日記


Wednesday, 22nd of July, 2020

The principal image of the Byakugō-ji Temple was staring at the Mt. Kokuzōsan (虚空蔵山) of Kōninji Temple, the ancient tomb mound of Emperor Tenji's seventh prince, Prince Shikinomiko(志貴皇子), Emperor Kasuganomiya.

Prince Shikinomiko's son was Emperor Kōnin (光仁天皇), and I tried to find out the important point on the line of the arc of Thales' theorem from the two points of Emperor Kōnin's tomb and the Mt. Kokuzōsan, what emerged was Kairyuōji Temple (海龍王寺).

I researched the origin of Kairyuōji Temple ...It is derive from Fujiwara no Fuhito and his daughter, Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后).

And there is a national treasure five-storied small pagoda that tells the location of the important tombs.

It was the place where young Kukai swore to himself when he boarded the ship of Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China, and it was the point of contact with Genbo (玄昉) whom he had longed for.

And... at the national treasure, the five-story pagoda, what do we put our hands together in prayer towards?

This puzzle-solving structure is really ingenious and increasingly intriguing!


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