What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

We are longing for 'fulfillment' right now. "Famous Temples point to the Tomb of Jesus Christ"

2020-09-25 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Friday, 25th of September, 2020

This is information that the people of the world need to know as soon as possible.

"Famous Temples point to the Tomb of Jesus Christ"

If we know this, both the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the world's chaos will vanish like smoke.

Don't be afraid to keep a close eye on it.

Our predecessors, Emperor Kammu (桓武天皇), Wake-no-Kiyomaro (和気清麻呂), Saicho (最澄), and Kukai (空海), hope that this information will be disseminated to the world.

They tell us that "The crane and the tortoise were integrated in the night of the dawn.

It is the spirits of the living gods who dwell in Japan that can save people from the chaos of the world.

And the Great Spirit is longing for 'fulfillment' right now.

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