What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Saburōgatake knows the secrets of Hokkesan Ichijōji Temple and Tachibana no Michiyo's tomb.

2020-08-31 16:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Monday, 31st of August, 2020

The distance from  Saburōgatake (三郎ヶ岳) to Hokkesan Ichijō-ji Temple (法華山一乗寺) founded by Hōdō Sennin (法道仙人) and to the tomb of Tachibana no Michiyo (橘三千代), Empress Kōmyō's mother (光明皇后の母), are 74 km each, the same distance. 

法The Hōdō Sennin is a Joe (定恵), and the illegitimate son of Emperor Kōtoku (孝徳天皇).

There are many tachibana trees planted at Hokkesan Ichijōji Temple.

Saburōgatake, the mountain that tells us the true locations of many emperors' tombs, also seems to know the secrets of Hokkasan Ijyo Temple and Tachibana no Michiyo's tomb.


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