What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Mt. Hatsukasan, underground temple of Empress Kōmyō, and tomb of her mother Michiyo

2020-09-01 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Tuesday,1st of September, 2020

The picture below shows the relation from the underground temple of Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后), Mt. Hatsukasan (母塚山), and to the tomb of her mother Michiyo (三千代) that has a bag-shaped contour line.

More and more figures, which is thought to prove the tomb of Empress Kōmyō's mother, are being saved in my PC.

I have a plan to visit the tomb of her mother, Ms. Michiyo, in the not so long future.

What was Michiyo-san's favorite food? She liked Sake...? What does she like...?

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