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Eisanji Temple (栄山寺) - Part 1: What the Main Hall and the Hakkakuendo teach us

2020-07-14 06:06:06 | 日記


Tuesday, 14th of July, 2020

Last Sunday, I paid a visit to the tomb of Fujiwara no Muchimaro (藤原武智麿), and then went to Eisanji temple (栄山寺),the construction of them.

What I wanted to check was where the people put their hands together towards in the main hall and the Hakkakuendo of Eisanji temple, the construction of them.

Both the main hall and the Hakkakuendo were built in such a way that people are supposed to put their hands towards the direction that is 0 degrees with a compass glass.

This is the very direction, people are supposed to put their hands together towards the tomb of Fujiwara no Fuhito.

Muchimaro's tomb should have been on the line connecting the Hakkakuendo and the tomb of Fujiwara no Fuhito, but current Muchimaro's tomb is located directly north of the Hakkakuendo.

There is a deviation of 7 degrees from the line, a distance of 65 meters.

Also, since the base of the masonry said to be Muchimaro's tomb was oriented at 350 degrees, I guess that Muchimaro's tomb would be on the line connecting the Hakkakuendo to the tombs of Fujiwara no Fuhito.


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