Wednesday, 13th of May, 2020
At 10 a.m. on 26th of May, 1975, Showa Emperor went to the Omi Jingu Shrine (近江神宮).
At the Omi Jingu Shrine (近江神宮), the place where you put your hands together toward is the tomb of Fujiwara no Fuhito (藤原不比等).
Yesterday, I tried the Zero Magnetic Field L-rod "Core" for the first time at the important point where we put our hands together towards.
What! It's a great effect more than we can imagine.
I felt as if I could see through the ground.
The "Songs of Lake Biwa circumnavigation", I have had curious until now,
The arrow-head is buried deeply
Summer grasses grow thickly in remains of moat
I stand alone at old castle
Hira(比良) and Ibuki(伊吹) are like dream
.... the Hira(比良) finally came out.
the 10th point in Western country, Chomeiji Temple
This dirty world left far away
Let's row in the gold wave
Talk your hot mind, my friend, in the "Songs of Lake Biwa circumnavigation", there was also a mystery of Chomei-ji Temple, which was sung as the tenth point of Western country, actually in spite of the thirty first point of Western country.