What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Are you afraid to know the truth?

2020-04-30 18:06:06 | 日記


Thursday, 30th of April, 2020

I wish the Yamatai Kingdom to have been in Kyushu (九州)!  

I wish the Yamatai Kingdom to have been in Kinai (畿内)!

I wish the Yamatai Kingdom to have been in Shikoku (四国)! .....

Do you want to continue to pursue romance, like this?

Are you afraid of knowing the truth, in spite of your desire to know the truth?

It is not irrelevant that the new coronavirus and the "邪馬台国オリオン座説 (The theory of Yamadai Kingdom representing Orion)" came into the world.

What's the Second Coming of Christ? "His story" that is, the true history of Jesus Christ comes to be known by people all around the world, that is "history". 

The truth, that could not be written in Kojiki (古事記) or Chronicles of Japan (日本書紀), is the right "His story". 

And the drama which have been made by Jesus' children and people is the very right history. It is "The History". 

Looking away from the truth and to keep looking away from it, means moving hope away from this country and bringing despair closer to this country. 


① GishiWajinden/ Itinerary to Yamadaikuni (魏志倭人伝・邪馬台国への旅程

② Betelgeuse is a tomb of Jesus (ベテルギウスはイエスの陵墓)

③ The Optical Communication Base Hidden in the waka poets of Emperor Nintoku (仁徳天皇の歌に隠された光通信基地)

④ 卑he Stone structure remains of Himiko's tomb was found! (卑弥呼の墓の石組遺構)


The cathedral building was burnt down and only the cross stood clean, I wonder if anyone correctly accepted the message. 

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