What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

The first place I wanted to visit in Hōfu was Amidaji Temple, the Tōdaiji Betsuin Branch Temple!

2020-08-25 16:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Tuesday, 25th of August, 2020

When I absolutely have to return to a station by a time set but I need to go around to see many places in limited hours, I made it a rule to definitely take a taxi.

"I have to catch the 3:53 train. I want to go to the Amidaji Temple, the Tōdaiji Betsuin Branch Temple (東大寺別院阿弥陀寺) first...."

"Do we have time to go to the  Tokuji (徳地), upstream from the  Sabagawa River (佐波川)? "...I asked.  

"We can't go to Tokuji," said the driver, " but let's go to the Tōdaiji temple, first."

He dropped me off in front of the Amidaji temple's Gate after looking at the city for the first time.

We checked the location map first, then decided to go to Kaizando (開山堂) and Ruri Waterfall (瑠璃の滝).

By the way, it was very hot, isn't it? And I didn't expect to do quite a bit of hiking.

The destination of putting our hands together at the Kaizando (開山堂) is the direction of 21 degrees on the compass glass.

The direction to pray at the Ruri waterfall on the right in the back of the Kaizando is 60 degrees.

Chōgen (重源)  knew after all. 

He knew exactly the thing which existed in this 60-degree direction....!! 



There is a great secret beyond that which we pray here!


It is the sign of the heart!   I'm happy to see this.


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