What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Gyōki’s tomb, Empress Kōmyō’s underground temple, Tachibana Michiyo’s tomb form a rectangle of 3:4:5

2020-09-02 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Wednesday, 2nd of September, 2020

The tomb of Gyōki (行基), the person responsible for the construction of the Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji, has been identified.

I have identified the locations of the underground temple of Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后), and the tomb of Empress Kōmyō's mother, Tachibana Michiyo (橘三千代).

And, connecting these three points positions form a great rectangle of 3:4:5.

What does the meaning tell us ...?

Perhaps.... maybe...

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