What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

The true purpose of the vote to force a collusion charge --- Part 1

2017-06-18 06:06:06 | 日記


Sunday,18th of June, 2017

It all started when the following information went around the world (from a previous article)

Japan 生命の樹 Tree of Life Adam 

The God of the Four Great Civilizations is the God of the Bible

Mr. S, the author of the new book, said, "the article of Mr. Uemori is carried on the page 142"

The Four Main Ancient Civilizations Spring From the God of the bible.


エジプト ハトホル神の顔の地上絵

Egypt Geoglyph of the face of Hathor God in Japan


The secret code which Kuukai taught.Kabara,Davidstar,Cross

Ikuno Silver mine Asago city Hyogo,Japan


Big size Cross→Changan(Xian)China→Lake galile in Israel


Middle size Cross→Vatican Roma

小さな十字架→中国鞍山 千山

Small size Cross→Anshan China Qianshan

It was on 12th of May, 804, when Master Kukai left Japan as one of the sixteenth envoys to the Tang Dynasty, and washed ashore in Fuzhou, China in a storm.

Kukai was 31 years old at the time. The line from Hakusan to Ikuno, connecting the intersection of the two crosses of the Great Chinese Cross, stretched out to the southwest and there are Amakusa and other important places on the line. Extending that line to China...it goes to Fuzhou exactly. Master Kukai went from Fuzhou to Chang'an (Xi'an). And I think, it is necessary to decipher the message of the three crosses again. 

Are these synchronicities all coincidence?




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