Agribusiness Monsanto has agreed to pay out an $80m (£55.2m) fine to settle US Securities and Exchange Commission charges that it had broken accounting rules and misstated earnings relating to its premium product, glyphosate weedkiller Roundup
Three of its accounting and sales executives have also agreed to penalties ranging from $30,000 to $55,000 and two of them, Anthony Hartke and Sara Brunnquell, both certified public accountants, have agreed to suspension from financial reporting for and auditing of public companies for one and two years respectively.
As part of the deal, neither Monsanto nor the three executives admitted or denied the findings.
According to the SEC, the problem arose because Monsanto had insufficient internal controls to account properly for millions of dollars in rebates offered to retailers and distributors of Roundup after generic competition had undercut Monsanto’s prices and resulted in a significant loss of market share for the company.
Monsanto booked large amounts of revenue as result of the success of the 2009 rebate scheme but did not recognise the related scheme costs at the same time. As a result, it materially misstated its consolidated earnings in corporate filings over a three-year period.
The SEC says that Brunnquell and Hartke knew or should have known about the rebate schemes to incentivise sales and that US GAAP required Monsanto to record a portion of its costs related to the rebate scheme. In fact, Monsanto only recorded the costs in 2010.
同社のCEOと元CFOは、会社が会計基準違反を犯していた期間の報酬、それぞれ$3,165,852 と $728,843、を返還することにより、罪を免れています。
Both Monsanto’s chief executive Hugh Grant and former CFO Carl Casale were exonerated by the SEC. They both returned cash bonuses and stock awards – worth $3,165,852 and $728,843, respectively – that they had been given during the time Monsanto was in breach of the accounting rules, which avoided the need for a clawback action under s304 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
When a company has to restate its financial statements as a result of misconduct, the CEO and CFO are required by the act to reimburse the company for certain incentive compensation, whether they engaged in the misconduct or not.
Monsanto Paying $80 Million Penalty for Accounting Violations(SEC)